FA Cup R4 Draw | Fulham (H) | SOLD OUT (official site)

Mrs Asa and I got tickets on the first day.
It now seems we are going to be surrounded by families and young children.
Kids standing up , moving around , noisily eating crisps and wanting to go to the loo every 10 minutes.
Whole families arriving late, failing to find the correct seats, and disappearing to form large queues for drinks at half time.

Get a grip City.
That's a great moan
If there are empty seats it might be mine!!!!! (Not by choice I hasten to add) To the very bad day for me City have just topped it!!
They have sent me an email saying my payment has been declined. I have checked everything and all details for payment are still accurate. So I rang them, I was first in the queue it said, it took 3 minutes and the lad said yes all details are correct, he's looked at it twizzled (my word not his) something and they will try again MAYBE in a couple of days!!
Now I don't know if he means maybe they will look or maybe it will be in a couple of days!!
Watch this space................. not the one in my brain you daft 'apporth, the one on the screen!! Honestly you just can't get the rational BlueMooners!! ;-)

Just checked my email and exactly the same problem. Seeing how City successfully took payment for the 3 prev rounds of the CL games tells me that the ticket office are up to their usual level of shiteness.

Not sure I can be arsed phoning them tbh
received email to say payment card has expired. Trying to update it online as per their instructions. Tried on iPhone, iPad and laptop. No chance
received email to say payment card has expired. Trying to update it online as per their instructions. Tried on iPhone, iPad and laptop. No chance
Just before the season cards were going to be renewed I remembered that mine would need updating and did exactly what you have done (although only on my laptop, as being a bit of a dinosaur I only use online banking on my laptop) and after two days of trying on and off I phoned them and the lad (working from home) sorted it out immediately for me. He said a lot of people had been having problems. Maybe try that, there don't seem to be any queues at present. (apologies if you are not able to do that for any reason). :-)
They don't hear you. I know I don't. Most of the time I am looking over to the South Stand when I hear the away fans and I hear nothing. It sounds like 1894 or the singers in 115 etc are singing but those around are not joining in. It's got nothing to do with the acoustics because I hear the away fans.

The moment I hear any songs I join in and so do many around me, it's just that we don't hear the South Stand singing.
Exactement. Although I just carrying on shouting (what I do can't be classed as singing) my own songs!! I give you 3 guesses which one is my favourite? I definitely sing it to the end. :-)
received email to say payment card has expired. Trying to update it online as per their instructions. Tried on iPhone, iPad and laptop. No chance
I had this problem earlier in the season. I swapped browsers to the old-fashioned Google (not even Chrome) and it worked. The site doesn't seem to work for me using Safari or Firefox.
Mrs Asa and I got tickets on the first day.
It now seems we are going to be surrounded by families and young children.
Kids standing up , moving around , noisily eating crisps and wanting to go to the loo every 10 minutes.
Whole families arriving late, failing to find the correct seats, and disappearing to form large queues for drinks at half time.

Get a grip City.

I bet your fun at parties.

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