FA Watch

Just grab fawatch.wordpress.com for free from Word Press. You can add a domain name to it if you want, but I'd definitely recommend a Word Press-hosted blog.
how many kids support the scum, liverpool, chelsea and arsenal? how many of these kids have dads or even grandads who referee in some of the premiership games? of course these kids have said to 'em, ''don't send rooney off grandad/dad'' or daddy, don't send gerrard off, he's my favourite''.

if the FA are allowed to go against the ref's decision of a yellow card and turn it into a ban, then how can players AND fans accept the referees decision on the pitch!?

it's going to end up with a goal being disallowed then by the time the fans have got home thinking it's 2-1 to their team, it's 2-2!

even with the win over arsenal, the pundits are just saving face by refusing to accept we are a challenging club, not wanting to be made a fool off, each and every sports writer are now aiming their pitchforks at city, and so yet, instead of the main stories in ALL papers focusing on a terrific win over a difficult team to beat, they each slated off one of our players which in turn led again, for the media to be the FA'S watchdog.

if ade can hear the fans calling not only him but his father and mother, and if over 40,000 fans can aswell, then surely clattenburg can!? or is he deaf!? after all, he is the referee, and in that match, he allowed racist abuse to be aimed at an innocent player not only before the match, but during and after.

if himself and authorities are trying their hardest to erase racial abuse at football games, then why didnt he or ANY other official call for EVERY arsenal fan within the away section to be evicted, true there will be arsenal fans who weren't chanting anything, well i'm sorry, but if there are a handful of idiots who are willing to stand up and take it on the chin when another 2,000 fans are wanting to throttle them after having been kicked out for them being arrogant tossers, then god damn let them!
Hi folks, I've just got back in having been out for a while.

I'll look back at the posts that have been made in my absence right away and will reply as necessary. What I can say that Ric will be registering a .org site shortly. I thought it appropriate to follow ADUG's example here and make an early statement so to speak - the the powers that be that we're more than just a little .co.uk! Oh yes, we're better than that!

Anyway the costs are covered for the first year so there's no need for anyone to worry, but thanks to all who offered to help in this regard.
not my fault! said:
Montgomery Burns said:
You've posted some great articles on Rooney pee dubya. I didn't realise he was quite so angelic in the eyes of Premier League referees; it's quite remarkable when you think about it and he is precisely the type of individual we would expect to be riding high in the charts in terms of the number of times he will appear on 'FA Watch'.

Does someone want to run a book on who's going to top the league?

Or for a bit of fun can we devise a 'Fantasy (Disciplinary) Football' competition?

Or even a separate 'Rooney Watch'?

I'll get my coat!

Afternoon Monty,

Not been on since we spoke yesterday and the pages have flown by. Whats the latest on this situation if you dont mind letting me know.

Kind regards,


A summary of the day so far; behind the scenes work mainly. We decided to go with the idea of opening the campaign up to a wider audience and intend to ask fans of other clubs if they would become involved.

A single-issue website will be set up, and Ric and Sam have been tasked/asked to take this forward for us. I'm sure they will need specific help from time to time and we will need people to run the website on a day to day basis, as happens with Bluemoon. Offers of help in this regard will be needed/appreciated and should go to Sam in the first instance, who can collate these and discuss them with Ric as appropriate.

The only media person to come back to us so far has been Ian Cheeseman, who has indicated he might be able to do something with us on this.
Montgomery Burns said:
not my fault! said:
Afternoon Monty,

Not been on since we spoke yesterday and the pages have flown by. Whats the latest on this situation if you dont mind letting me know.

Kind regards,


A summary of the day so far; behind the scenes work mainly. We decided to go with the idea of opening the campaign up to a wider audience and intend to ask fans of other clubs if they would become involved.

A single-issue website will be set up, and Ric and Sam have been tasked/asked to take this forward for us. I'm sure they will need specific help from time to time and we will need people to run the website on a day to day basis, as happens with Bluemoon. Offers of help in this regard will be needed/appreciated and should go to Sam in the first instance, who can collate these and discuss them with Ric as appropriate.

The only media person to come back to us so far has been Ian Cheeseman, who has indicated he might be able to do something with us on this.

Great news and thatnks for the update. Cheeseman is a star too, well done that man.

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