FA Watch

ono said:
Has anybody actually read the premier League rulebook, specifically 'added time'

I can't find the section on the one available on the internet but the Fifa rulebook states added time can only be added for injury assesment and substitutions. I keep reading Owen's goal was within the rulebook limits, but why would it be any different to Fifa's? Anybody?

i think they are invoking the last clause there mate (any other cause)....its a joke as this is such an open statement

Allowance for Time Lost
Allowance is made in either period for all time lost through:
• substitutions
• assessment of injury to players
• removal of injured players from the fi eld of play for treatment
• wasting time
• any other cause
The allowance for time lost is at the discretion of the referee.
page 26
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/RulesandRegulations/~/media/Files/PDF/Get%20into%20Football/Referees/lawsofthegameen_0910.ashx/lawsofthegameen_0910.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/RulesandRegu ... n_0910.pdf</a>
shadygiz said:
Allowance for Time Lost
Allowance is made in either period for all time lost through:
• substitutions
• assessment of injury to players
• removal of injured players from the fi eld of play for treatment
• wasting time
• any other cause
The allowance for time lost is at the discretion of the referee.
page 26
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/RulesandRegulations/~/media/Files/PDF/Get%20into%20Football/Referees/lawsofthegameen_0910.ashx/lawsofthegameen_0910.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/RulesandRegu ... n_0910.pdf</a>

The thing is that refs struggle to do half of whats asked of them at the best of times. Why doesn't the fourth official just keep it and stop it when required. Simple really.
You are lucky to even get a reply, I wrote to the FA after the game v arsenal and never received a response. I wrote to them again yesterday which I'll copy below but its all pretty boring and irrelevant as nothing will happen or change, maybe the FA watch will have some effect we live in hope!

I would like to receive an explanation as to why the game and final goal was permitted to happen when 4 minutes of time were allotted at 90 minutes. Why did the final whistle blow after 6 & a half minutes, it is no wonder that Ferguson was hugging and amusing himself the 4th official.

I would also like you to confirm why the free kick was given prior to the goal and why even more importantly a free kick was awarded for the incident that led to the 3rd goal.

Your referees are an embarrassment and to consider giving a referee considered as a "clown" amongst football circles was given this game.

Once again the result of a game is influenced by poor refereeing.

I would furthermore wish for an explanation and response to my contact last week which has received no reply contrary to your Charter. For your benefit I have copied the text of my earlier message below:

***no courtesy of a reply***

I am a Man City fan and while I cannot deny the possibility of violent misconduct by Ade Adebayour I am quite staggered that he has been charged over his goal celebration.

There have been countless incidents of this nature in the past involving higher profile clubs than Man City yet no action was taken. I was present at the game (in the South stand) and had the displeasure of hearing disgusting chants before and during the game in addition to seeing bananas being thrown on the pitch along with various other missiles. What action is to be taken against Arsenal for not controlling their fans?

Van Persie himself during the game and after his goal ran toward the City fans shouting "*uck you" repeatedly as well as the word "*astards" in his sentences, comments that can clearly be seen on replays from the game. Why is action not being taken in this respect? Young children and adults in the crowd were no doubt offended by these unnecessary comments yet we as fans managed to control our actions unlike the Arsenal fans.

Also why if the referee did not see the incident has Van Persie not been called to answer for his challenge that has lead to the violent conduct charge being called? It really does stink of double standards. There is also the instance of your chief spokesman airing his views on national radio before a charge had even been raised which must surely prejudice any chance of a fair hearing for Ade by whoever is on the disciplinary panel. It is absolutely disgraceful that a member of your organisation should make such comments before an action is decided upon and it only served to increase the media hype surrounding the incident(s). This is a totally unprofessional action by an individual who is responsible for both the image and running of our national sport.

I also assume action will soon be taken against Vidic for his blatant slap against Wigan which was not witnessed by the referee at the time but was a clear act of violent misconduct against a fellow professional? Again I am sure the double standard rule will apply.

A rather mystified football fan, Ryan.
Hi folks,

Not been long in and I've just cleared my PM's.

I'll start having a look at what I've missed today but I'll probably end up dropping off and finishing it tomorrow.

angleseyblue said:
just watching MOTD2 and seen something of interest regarding leaving the field of play.
does that mean.....
crossing the white lines? going off the turfed area? going beyond the advertising boards? going as far as the crowd?

the reason i ask is...........
kevin doyle scores for wolves vs fulham in the 18th minute.he then runs to the side of the goal,goes over the line, off the turfed area, jumps the advertising boards runs 7 or 8 paces over concrete and hugs the fans in the crowd.

result = no booking

Thanks Anglesey Blue - that's exactly the kind of thing that should be picked up in view of Adebayor being charged. I've e-mailed the FA about it in the following terms - i'm not going to e-mail the press on this occasion at the moment until we see how things pan out over the next few days:

Your recent decision to charge the Manchester City player Emmanuel Adebayor with a charge of violent conduct has sparked a lively debate in footballing circles, as fans wait to see whether you intend to intervene in other cases of violent conduct that have not been seen by match officials during the game.

I wrote to you last week on behalf of the ‘FA Watch’ campaign, which is published at the following website address:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=140353" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic ... 1&t=140353</a>

In view of your decision to charge Mr Adebayor and in the interests of wishing the laws of the game to be applied in an even handed and consistent manner, I refer you to an incident in the first half of the Wolves v Fulham game yesterday, when the Wolves striker Kevin Doyle left the field of play to celebrate following scoring a goal, hugging the crowd behind the goal.

One would normally expect a yellow card to have been issued by the referee in the circumstances so described, but whilst Mr Adebayor was booked Mr Doyle was not. In the interests of wishing the laws of the game to be applied in an even handed and consistent manner I would ask why a yellow card was not issued to Mr Doyle in this instance. Perhaps you can enlighten me on this.

More specifically:

(a) Did the referee see the incident?

(b) Did the referee make reference to this incident in his match report?

(c) If he saw the incident but did not deem it warranted a booking please explain why.

(d) If the referee did not see the incident, are you prepared to investigate the circumstances of the incident, using the video evidence available? If not, why not.

Your comments will be published at the web address given above.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Take a look at the Gary O'Connor goal from Birmingham as well on the weekend. He was booked for celebrating in front of his own fans. From what I saw the only thing he did was raise his hands up in the air while team mates jumped on his back. He did cross the end line but did not go beyond the advertising boards.
acquiesce said:
Take a look at the Gary O'Connor goal from Birmingham as well on the weekend. He was booked for celebrating in front of his own fans. From what I saw the only thing he did was raise his hands up in the air while team mates jumped on his back. He did cross the end line but did not go beyond the advertising boards.

He got booked for that!!
bluemeanie69 said:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this.
When Owen Scored, Gary "The Munster" Neville was next to Sir red nose.
Why did he then run to the corner where the City fans where to celebrate the goal. Jumping up and down like a jack in a box with a dildo up his arse.
Surely a case of "Improper conduct" that needs adding to the FA watch list.
The Daily mail do mention him running like a lunatic but nothing like the witch hunt that followed Adebayors celebration.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1214938/Mad-chester-Injury-time-row-Fergie-taunts-City-Bellamy-hits-fan-Neville-lunatic.html?ITO=1490" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... l?ITO=1490</a>

Now this is something I would like to do something with, as he has been involved in this kind of thing before.

Is this mentioned anywhere else - can someone look and forward links if possible.

And/or did anyone who went to the game see this and describe in their own words what happened?
futsal is an indoor 5 a side football game for those who dont know. When the balls goes out of play the time stops. There is no added time and no confusion. When the timer hits 00:00 the game is over.

Would this not be a good idea to introduce to football?
Montgomery Burns said:
bluemeanie69 said:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this.
When Owen Scored, Gary "The Munster" Neville was next to Sir red nose.
Why did he then run to the corner where the City fans where to celebrate the goal. Jumping up and down like a jack in a box with a dildo up his arse.
Surely a case of "Improper conduct" that needs adding to the FA watch list.
The Daily mail do mention him running like a lunatic but nothing like the witch hunt that followed Adebayors celebration.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1214938/Mad-chester-Injury-time-row-Fergie-taunts-City-Bellamy-hits-fan-Neville-lunatic.html?ITO=1490" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... l?ITO=1490</a>

Now this is something I would like to do something with, as he has been involved in this kind of thing before.

Is this mentioned anywhere else - can someone look and forward links if possible.

And/or did anyone who went to the game see this and describe in their own words what happened?

Yes, it's being widely publicised.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/hughes-attacks-lunatic-neville-and-the-referee-1790755.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/foot ... 90755.html</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://goal.com/en-us/news/85/england/2009/09/21/1514248/hughes-manchester-united-defender-neville-was-a-lunatic" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://goal.com/en-us/news/85/england/2 ... -a-lunatic</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.sportinglife.com/football/news/story_get.cgi?STORY_NAME=soccer/09/09/21/manual_090027.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.sportinglife.com/football/ne ... 90027.html</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=12&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ireland.com%2Fsport%2FHughes_slams_lunatic_Neville%2Fmaxi%2Ffast%2Fnews%2Firnews%2FTMGfootballnewsheadlines7833066&ei=tv63Su3hHNyNjAeBnaDmCw&rct=j&q=gary+neville+lunatic&usg=AFQjCNEe1U5EGNP00sDtmHEpLN8R-tA2Iw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source ... LN8R-tA2Iw</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=19&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoccernews.bigsoccer.com%2Farticle%2F0emZ5M9g99256%3Fq%3DMichael%2BOwen&ei=B_-3SoCAC465jAe66JWwDA&rct=j&q=gary+neville+lunatic&usg=AFQjCNEdPBtK6i711wLmYWhsTfpLaZ4qwA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source ... TfpLaZ4qwA</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=13&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsoccer365.com%2Fenglish_premiership%2Fstory_21909104100.php&ei=Vf-3Sv66JJLajQe9xoGwDA&rct=j&q=gary+neville+lunatic&usg=AFQjCNFcKu8sSvPQPBl39ahZZ_Yff06vng" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source ... Z_Yff06vng</a>

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