Fabian Delph

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One of our biggest problems last season was a complete lack of pace and energy in midfield. As good as Yaya is technically in terms of helping break down teams who park the bus, he becomes a liability against any teams who can dominate possession even if that's only for short periods within a game. Delph along with Sterling and De Bruyne gives us serious counter attacking potential, we can't dominate every minute of every game, sometimes you have to win ugly.
He's quicker than Fernando, is more mobile than Fernando, has more vision than Fernando, offers more going forward than Fernando, is more creative than Fernando, will work his socks off for the cause, has a cracking attitude, has the potential to improve, is ambitious enough to challenge himself, is a current England international, qualifies as home grown, has bags of Premiership experience, and is available for a bargain price. An absolute no brainer of a signing.
It would be colourful to support a team of artists, but hardly a winning one. It would be a hard slog supporting a team of artisans and any winning ratio would be low as it was with workhorses like Mills, Thatcher and other anonymous failures of a few years ago. But what really matters is having a mix of the two aspects, artisans who are only too willing to dig in, battle, and do the essential dirty work, and yet to allow the artists to dream up and enact the creativity that makes the mix a winning one. All successful teams use this philosophy and players like Delph, while seemingly not too popular here, would be as fitting part of this plan.
Doesn't really help with the hg rule as he's not club trained. If we want three keepers in the CL squad then Delph won't be in it.

Fernando is only 27/28 and as you said, he's not been given much of a chance in his favoured role. In that holding role I don't think Delph has a hope of getting a first team spot off him.

Well that's your opinion pal it doesn't sound like you're a fan! I don't think he's first team but he could be really useful for those cup games and those wet windy nights at stoke etc!
Well that's your opinion pal it doesn't sound like you're a fan! I don't think he's first team but he could be really useful for those cup games and those wet windy nights at stoke etc!

So could Byrne, Byram and Glendon and unlike playing Delph, they'd actually be an investment for the future and a motivation for the EDS players.
The Mail reporting he signed his new deal in January as he didn't want Villa,a club who have looked after him,to miss out on a fee ......however he insisted on the clause which didn't out price him should a bigger club approach - seems a good lad,level headed and honest.....I like him.
Sure he gave us a right slagging off when he signed for villa. We were in for him then and said he is glad to have signed for club with history and all that nonsense.

That said decent player for the price and would take him.
So could Byrne, Byram and Glendon and unlike playing Delph, they'd actually be an investment for the future and a motivation for the EDS players.

But these are far below the level of Delph. FAR below.

When I say I want to integrate youth players, it means building up their minutes over the course of a couple of seasons. Not to throw them straight into the first team squad and expect them to play 15 games instead of an England international
Assuming Pellers has eyes to see with, Ya Ya will never play for us again in a role where he is one of 2 defending midfielders. He will play as an AM from now on. Only if we go to 4-3-3 would Ya-Ya have a sniff of a more deep lying role where two other players would cover his arse.
But these are far below the level of Delph. FAR below.

When I say I want to integrate youth players, it means building up their minutes over the course of a couple of seasons. Not to throw them straight into the first team squad and expect them to play 15 games instead of an England international

Really doubt he'll get 15 games tbh, but since you're replying to a post about cup games, where else do you think the young lads are going to get game time?
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