Fair Play Craig

Great press conference that, bet the press are gutted they didn`t get the ammo they wanted.
All the best to Craig and his family in the future though, yes he`s a gobby f*cker at times but glad we as fans got to see the other facets and the bigger picture of what this lad is about, his work in Sierra Leone is an outstanding example and a pity he doesn`t get more credit for it imo.
That was a great PC for City, with all the shit flying our way at the moment, this is brilliant for us, well done Bellers and Mr Jones.
I bet as soon as Bellamy said all the nice things about City, Cook and Khaldoon the room part emptied, then when he went on to say Mancini is a top manager that will succeed the room emptied a little more, and finally when Jones sang our praises I bet all was left was the local rag and there official web site people.
The press would have ear marked this PC as a great stick to hit us with.
Well done everyone.
wow! that was top, just top, talking about us deserving it like no others!

they've turned up on mas like a pack of baying dogs and he's given them nothing - top top man

those who say its a pity he can't have been more diplomatic the last few month are perhaps missing the point. The guy can't lie, he speaks his mind - and with that he sometimes winds people up. You take the rough with the smooth with people like that but at least you always know where you stand.

Good luck Craig
the sky reporter in the room, tried around 5 or 6 times, with different angles to get him to slag us or Mancini off !

didn't work, nice one Bellamy.
Always supported Bellers during his time at City.
However after seeing for the first time his "high fives" with The Twitcher,yesterday,I must admit that I did slag Bellers off,for the first time.
However after that super interview he has now been "forgiven" by me !!
Fantastic thanks to City,Cook and Khaldoon for helping out with the wages,by the sound of it.
He seemed very sincere and great when he told the media to fuck off, ref his salary.
Good luck Bellers and hope you enjoy more time with your family.
I love it - and Mancini a 'top manager' hey - who would have believed it.
Nice one. First refusal on any decent 'Welsh' from Cardiff from now onwards too I hope - reading between the lines.
blue dallas said:
the sky reporter in the room, tried around 5 or 6 times, with different angles to get him to slag us or Mancini off !

didn't work, nice one Bellamy.
But sky and the media in general are fair and even handed.They don't have any kind of agenda against us.Ask Pigeonho and Didsbury Dave.
was everone watching it on sky? i was watching off link on bbc website - think they stayed with it after sky cutaway.

Anyway just in case anyone missed it, he said that no club deserves success more than us. Talked about us dropping into div2 and never losing our crowds. Said it so sincerely, brought a tear to the eye.
A big "fuck off" to all the "Bellamy is a c.unt" hypocrites giving it the big one yesterday. Especially Alera.

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