Famous relatives.

Think my brother and my dad have been digging up the family tree and my brother said something about us being related to William Wallace in some way........ Probably explains my irrational love for scotch eggs and waking up screaming 'freedom'

er...... no alcoholism and casual anti-semitism? I mean that would prove the link Mel me old cobber
Fuck it - thats proof enough - welcome to the party Mr Gibson ha ha ha

"Henry VIII with ancestry in Anglesey traced back to the Tudors, which based on some historical documents means I am descended from King Arthur!"

Ah, a long lost cousin.
Henry VII on my dad's side, Owain Glyndwr on my mam's.
And a couple of people obscurely famous in Wales, a bard and an actor..
Mrs Lloydie's cousin is now a Broadway star and won "How to solve a problem like Maria" or something like that.
I've got an Eleanor Rigby on my mothers side,who used to be a church warden at the old Welsh baptist church on Upper Brooks St in the 30s.......funny old world

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