Famous relatives.

Think my brother and my dad have been digging up the family tree and my brother said something about us being related to William Wallace in some way........ Probably explains my irrational love for scotch eggs and waking up screaming 'freedom'
My great great great grandad invented the hammock for the royal navy then my dad scaled it down to make little comforters for the ladies hence my user name
Isn't almost everybody descended from Edward the Confessor?

I am sure I saw something to that effect after Who Do You Think You Are had Matthew Pincent and then Alexander Armstrong descended from royalty and some genealogist pointed out almost every person in the UK is - its just a matter of being able to trace an unbroken line far enough back - which means obviously if your family came over with the Huguenots or on the MV Windrush that sort of thing you couldn't have that unbroken line. Never said in the show to knock the smug smirk off either of their faces sadly...........

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