Fans leaving early.

Very rarely have I left early. I did when the second went in against Barca.
Made a fucking huge difference to the time I got home..Got to Bolton and back to Haydock home by 2230hrs... Who fucking cares.If people wanna leave early they take the chance of missing moments like Agueros title winning goal.You takes your choices......
chris85mcfc said:
oakiecokie said:
chris85mcfc said:
So are you saying that if you were a season ticket holder and we were only 1 up with a few minutes to go, you'd up sticks and head home?

A game is 90+ minutes long, surely Gillingham and QPR made the early darters sit up and realise that anything can happen in the last few minutes. Or have we become that arrogant that we think being 1-0 up at home to Stoke in the 90th minute means game over?

Oh dear !!!! Some people are suffering from narrow mindedness,if for one moment they think this could be reason for those missing thousands at 85 minutes onwards.There`s more to life than watching 90+ minutes of footie young man.As you get older and wiser you`ll understand.

Could you give an idea as to what it could be then, without being patronising if possible? I would imagine if you were to have a pop at anyone it would be the guy i replied to who suggested that these people are leaving because 'things aren't exciting for them?'

Like ive said in previous posts on this subject, i totally understand that those that have difficulty in crowds ie disabled/immobile leave early as that makes total sense. But I can't think of any genuine reason why anyone would need to leave a few minutes early? If its to get out the car park then park somewhere else and walk an extra 5 minutes....

I'll await your reply where you'll no doubt tell me that people have other things to do. If that's the case then why commit to a season ticket that is going to see you tied down for 19+ weeks in a 9 month season.

Don't want to sound patronising, but who cares if they miss the last 5 mins - you don't judge a full season ticket on the last 5 mins of every game

5 mins to some makes a massive difference - some reasons
- Avoid crowds
- Public Transport
- Get to car
- Avoid mass traffic
- Get to pub and get round in
- Plans for evening/day
- have a fag
- have a wank/shag/BJ

The list is endless - each persons needs are different, the have seen the majority of the game and will catch the rest on TV later - simples

They don't give a shit so why do other people moan about it - I really don't get it.

I leave early unless it's a close game, My little boy doesn't enjoy the mass crowd on way out - thats my excuse
Be interesting to see if the same people leave Wembley early. Or whether they hang around to watch Vinny lift the trophy :)
crystal_mais said:
chris85mcfc said:
oakiecokie said:
Oh dear !!!! Some people are suffering from narrow mindedness,if for one moment they think this could be reason for those missing thousands at 85 minutes onwards.There`s more to life than watching 90+ minutes of footie young man.As you get older and wiser you`ll understand.

Could you give an idea as to what it could be then, without being patronising if possible? I would imagine if you were to have a pop at anyone it would be the guy i replied to who suggested that these people are leaving because 'things aren't exciting for them?'

Like ive said in previous posts on this subject, i totally understand that those that have difficulty in crowds ie disabled/immobile leave early as that makes total sense. But I can't think of any genuine reason why anyone would need to leave a few minutes early? If its to get out the car park then park somewhere else and walk an extra 5 minutes....

I'll await your reply where you'll no doubt tell me that people have other things to do. If that's the case then why commit to a season ticket that is going to see you tied down for 19+ weeks in a 9 month season.

Don't want to sound patronising, but who cares if they miss the last 5 mins - you don't judge a full season ticket on the last 5 mins of every game

5 mins to some makes a massive difference - some reasons
- Avoid crowds
- Public Transport
- Get to car
- Avoid mass traffic
- Get to pub and get round in
- Plans for evening/day
- have a fag
- have a wank/shag/BJ

The list is endless - each persons needs are different, the have seen the majority of the game and will catch the rest on TV later - simples

They don't give a shit so why do other people moan about it - I really don't get it.

I leave early unless it's a close game, My little boy doesn't enjoy the mass crowd on way out - thats my excuse

Thanks for the list

Each to their own - it's something I'll never understand fully - the excuses, sorry, reasons are so variable and so weak yet they have become so all consuming for those leaving in the early stampede.
Perhaps it has just become too ingrained in them and the consequences of watching a full football match might not be as heinous as they think.
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.
chris85mcfc said:
oakiecokie said:
chris85mcfc said:
So are you saying that if you were a season ticket holder and we were only 1 up with a few minutes to go, you'd up sticks and head home?

A game is 90+ minutes long, surely Gillingham and QPR made the early darters sit up and realise that anything can happen in the last few minutes. Or have we become that arrogant that we think being 1-0 up at home to Stoke in the 90th minute means game over?

Oh dear !!!! Some people are suffering from narrow mindedness,if for one moment they think this could be reason for those missing thousands at 85 minutes onwards.There`s more to life than watching 90+ minutes of footie young man.As you get older and wiser you`ll understand.

Could you give an idea as to what it could be then, without being patronising if possible? I would imagine if you were to have a pop at anyone it would be the guy i replied to who suggested that these people are leaving because 'things aren't exciting for them?'

Like ive said in previous posts on this subject, i totally understand that those that have difficulty in crowds ie disabled/immobile leave early as that makes total sense. But I can't think of any genuine reason why anyone would need to leave a few minutes early? If its to get out the car park then park somewhere else and walk an extra 5 minutes....

I'll await your reply where you'll no doubt tell me that people have other things to do. If that's the case then why commit to a season ticket that is going to see you tied down for 19+ weeks in a 9 month season.

Well the stupidity of having to ask a question is beyond belief.Arrogant supporters,because they leave earlier than those "MASSIVE" fans like you who stay till the end ?? Fuck me do you want a badge you glory hunting bigger than thee fan.We shouldn`t have to give you any reasons as to why we wish to leave the ground early,unless you`ve paid for my fucking ticket and I aint reimbursed you.
I commit myself to a ST as I go to all home games (except when my disability wont allow me) ,including Cup games and have done for near on five decades.Is that OK with you sunshine ??
Prestwich_Blue said:
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.

Totally agree. I watched the highlights back last night and the number of empty seats towards the end of the game was pretty staggering.

I honestly can't believe that ive just read that someone will leave the game early if its 1-0 because its 'not exciting enough'. I'm actually starting to get pretty worried about some of our fanbase and what their expectations have become, we would tear the rags a new one if we thought their fans were leaving early for these reasons!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.
Who gives a fuck what the players think
If I or anyone else wants to get up on 85 mins or 90 mins and fuck off,we will
I'll tell you who's "pathetic" the moaning fuckers on here.

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