FAO of all whom want Mourinho

hgblue said:
BillyShears said:
The OP was criticizing the style of play that Mourinho's teams employ. For which he seems to be taking an awful lot of stick. Which I find very strange when he is in fact right to an extent. There's a thread on here about how we were too cautious against Liverpool yesterday and we should've attacked etc...

Now I'd like you to cast your mind back to those gripping champions league encounters between Liverpool and Chelsea when Mourinho was in charge...

...or when Barcelona came to Stamford Bridge and Mourinho's Chelsea tried to kick them off the park...
Il try again. How many ELITE clubs has Mourinho managed ? How many ELITE clubs has hughes managed ? How many years did Mourinho have unlimited resources for ? How many years has Hughes had unlimited resources for ? How many clubs has Mourinho managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? How many clubs has Hughes managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? NEXT.

I'll try again. What's Mourinho won? What's Hughes won?
chazmcfc said:
Think you will find i edited that before both of you replied. Besides, that was many many moons ago, five years if my memory is correct. Next...

Funny how his teams have ALWAYS bottled it in the CL. Next...

do you know what always means, and trying to back track by stating it was five years ago is pathetic, just admit you were wrong
Il try again. How many ELITE clubs has Mourinho managed ? How many ELITE clubs has hughes managed ? How many years did Mourinho have unlimited resources for ? How many years has Hughes had unlimited resources for ? How many clubs has Mourinho managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? How many clubs has Hughes managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? NEXT.
How many Champions League titles has Wenger won? Ferguson won 2 in 20 odd years, Benitez won 1 and apart from a FA Cup not much else and would be out of a job if it wasn't for ownership issues.

No-one has been as successful as Mourinho as he was at Chelsea in that period of time(starting at a club, bar Guardiola but he's only been at Barca 1 season, albeit it mightily successful). He is in the top level of managers and if I remember he had Abramovich interfering in managerial matters(Arnesen, Grant, Shevchenko), he wouldn't get that at City.

I think some fans are very ignorant of Jose and are desperate for an argument, his credentials are unquestionable, however Hughes is the manager and that's what we have to get on with for now.
chazmcfc said:
Il try again. How many ELITE clubs has Mourinho managed ? How many ELITE clubs has hughes managed ? How many years did Mourinho have unlimited resources for ? How many years has Hughes had unlimited resources for ? How many clubs has Mourinho managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? How many clubs has Hughes managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? NEXT.

You assume that Hughes is as good as Mourinho and as such he should have got the same jobs and opportunity's that Mourinho got, yes?

Unfortunately for you, he isnt, thats why he didnt and that is why he has won fuck all compared to Mourinho. Next?....
chazmcfc said:
Il try again. How many ELITE clubs has Mourinho managed ? How many ELITE clubs has hughes managed ? How many years did Mourinho have unlimited resources for ? How many years has Hughes had unlimited resources for ? How many clubs has Mourinho managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? How many clubs has Hughes managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? NEXT.

porto didnt have unlimited resources did they, but as you stated that was YEARS AGO so doesnt count, whats he supposed to do not take over a big club because pillocks like you think this means his achievments mean nothing?
chazmcfc said:
Il try again. How many ELITE clubs has Mourinho managed ? How many ELITE clubs has hughes managed ? How many years did Mourinho have unlimited resources for ? How many years has Hughes had unlimited resources for ? How many clubs has Mourinho managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? How many clubs has Hughes managed that are already built with great players when he has take over ? NEXT.

Mourinho built himself a team at Porto with far less money than Hughes, and won everything with them. He came to Chelsea, rebuilt the dubious squad Ranieri left him and took them to the Premier League that season, and retained it, and didn't have unlimited funds, Abramovich took a bigger and bigger say in who was bought and sold and who was in the backroom team, see previous post.

Abramovich jumped the gun and it was proved because Chelsea have won 1 FA Cup since he got rid of Mourinho. Last season they finished 3rd. This says something about Mourinho.

Whether or not you agree how Mourinho has come to management, it's proven he can buy and manage big names and big egos, whereas Hughes is unknown. Mourinho is a proven domestic trophy winner and to add he also won the Champions League, Hughes is unproven. If Hughes was so good we wouldn't be debating this now.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
I think some fans are very ignorant of Jose and are desperate for an argument, his credentials are unquestionable,

True, he is the most arrogant wanker in world football, and as I have despised that shower of rag bstards for over 35 years now because i HATE their arrogance, then I would be a fcukin hypocrite if i ever wanted that cnut moaninfcukingho at City.

even if he played the beautiful game which he doesnt.

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