fat ism

pee dubyas crayons said:
Citytillidie69 said:
Someone who is 6'7 tall and weighs 20 stone - IS A FAT BASTARD who should be forced to pay mor on a plane, and forced to pay more tax to cover the cost of additional health care requirements.

OK so the airlines would have to do BMI calculations on each passenger - I would agree with that, but it's not easy is it?

What about the disproportionate searching of muslims at airports - do you agree with that? And if not (which I suspect will be the case), why not?

Wouldn't be difficult just get the scales in the ground stand on them with your baggage and off you go.
pee dubyas crayons said:
Matty said:
No, but I shouldn't be forced to pay for excess baggage. It's always annoyed me when I roll up weighing 12 stone and with a suitcase that's a couple of Kg's over the weight allowance and they start talking about excess baggage charges when the heffer behind me must be 20 stone and gets no charges as their bag is spot on the limit. There should be a combined weight allowance of person plus baggage (although no doubt some bleeding heart liberal would complain that it was degrading to weigh people).

Let's face it, the airlines have the right to make a profit and let whoever they want or don't want get on their planes, and charge what they like too.

If they want to charge fat people they should be allowed to.

If they want to charge for excess baggage they should be allowed to.

If they only want to allow women on their planes they should be allowed to.

It's their business. If consumers don't like it, go and use somebody else.

Now thats sexism.....and once again I refer you to your first point above.
pee dubyas crayons said:
Citytillidie69 said:
Someone who is 6'7 tall and weighs 20 stone - IS A FAT BASTARD who should be forced to pay mor on a plane, and forced to pay more tax to cover the cost of additional health care requirements.

OK so the airlines would have to do BMI calculations on each passenger - I would agree with that, but it's not easy is it?

What about the disproportionate searching of muslims at airports - do you agree with that? And if not (which I suspect will be the case), why not?

what has this to do with fat people ?
pee dubyas crayons said:
Fat ism is no better or worse than racism.

Each one can cause offense.

A fat bastard might be more offended by the term fat bastard than a Pakistani would be at being called a p***.

The two, along with sexism and ageism, are all on an equal footing.

If you ban Ron Atkinson for his comments, you must ban people who make similarly insulting comments about peoples weight.

Or ban neither (which is what I would be in favour of).

What utter nonsense! Do fat people have a history of slavery and cold-blooded murder attached to their CHOICE to eat too much? Were fat people systematically chained up, loaded onto ships and taken from their families to the other side of the world to pick cotton (maybe they should have been – could have lost a bit of weight while they were fed subsistence rations on the journey)? Have fat people been told they can’t live in certain areas, attend certain schools or ride certain buses?

I may have missed something in my understanding of recent civil rights struggles, so by all means set me straight if, in fact, the historical subjugation of the big boned is something of a blind spot. Can’t see it though – let’s face it they wouldn’t have the energy for a Stonewall, and they can hardly do a Rosa Parks on the bus when they need the whole back seat anyway...
bluesyob said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!
i dont over eat , do a very physical job up and down ladders all day lifting heavy equipment and very rarely sit down except for the half hour dinner i have i only drink once a week on friday nights yet im over weight and cant seem to shift it, i could go gym but i just dont have the time, but all this doesnt mean i should have to sit and listen to some slim arse hole calling me names and abusing me just because they have made a judgement about me based on my apearance alone, so yes it should be looked at in the same way as racism because your abusing someone for the way they look.

Rubbish, you are fat for a reason. You eat too much and do not do burn enough calories, end of. I have heard a lot of fat people come out with this crap before. Just like those people who go to the Gym and hardly break sweat and of course they remain fat. They say I do not understand why I am fat I go to the gym. The answer is simple they do not work hard enough. It is not possible to be a fat bastard if you work hard and watch your diet, it is impossible in fact. You did not see any fat people in a Japanese prisoner of war camp did you. Bunch of salad dodgers.
great idea!!

smudgedj said:
kinkysleftfoot said:
why dont fat people have to pay more when flying?

I have to pay more if my luggage is over my alllowance but some 18 stone guy and his 15 stone wife pay no extra??

On a serious note they are thinking of doing this. You will have, say, a maximum weight limit of 115kg which includes your body weight and luggage.
No its not quite the same!!

pee dubyas crayons said:
kinkysleftfoot said:
why dont fat people have to pay more when flying?

I have to pay more if my luggage is over my alllowance but some 18 stone guy and his 15 stone wife pay no extra??

By the same token you might as well say:

why dont asians get searched more at airports?

Do you see my point?
LOL my point exactly!

Matty said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
What about people who are exceptionally tall and hence heavier than average

Should they be forced to pay more on a plane?

No, but I shouldn't be forced to pay for excess baggage. It's always annoyed me when I roll up weighing 12 stone and with a suitcase that's a couple of Kg's over the weight allowance and they start talking about excess baggage charges when the heffer behind me must be 20 stone and gets no charges as their bag is spot on the limit. There should be a combined weight allowance of person plus baggage (although no doubt some bleeding heart liberal would complain that it was degrading to weigh people).
This whole thread just reminded me of this...

Brooky, it's gonna end up like this if ones not careful!!

For the purpose of this thread i will name the caller fred Smith, The kebab worker is called Brooky.

Fred has finished work for the weekend and fancies a kebab!!
Fred rings the kebab house.
Jake. Hello,Mr. Smith, Kebab City may i take your order please?
Fred. Oh hello, yes i would like a house special and a portion of fries please,with chilli, garlic mayo and salad please.
Jake. Would that be for delivery?
Fred. Yes please.
Jake. Do you still own the Blue and White Astra with 50,000 on the clock?
Fred. Erm y'y'yes.
Jake. Okay Mr. Smith that will be £44 on delivery please.
Fred. Wwwwwhat the fuk.
Jake. Careful Sir as if i hear anymore of that language i will report you to the language survailance team.
Fred. Sorry, it wont happen again, i was just astounded at the price of my order.
Jake. Well Mr. Smith i see here on my telescreen that you have not attended your weight assessment appointment as you was 7lb over weight last month and we have to cover our insurance. There is always the Sprout and Cauliflower combi, that comes in a fish oil based pitta bread and you can get this at just £8.50, with zero sauce mind you.
Fred. Oh man.
Jake. Are you being resistant and difficult Mr. Smith? as my negative thought detection button on my phone has just lit up.
Fred. No no not at all, everythings great.
Jake. The only thing that i can do is ask you to switch on your telescreen and switch on channel 111, your fitness buddy will instruct you as to what to do next, bye.
Fred switches on the telescreen.
The health Buddy comes on. Okay Mr. Smith, i can get you a discount of upto £10 if you can fulfill my request. Now then, give me 25 proper press ups, 25 sit ups and run on the spot for 5 minutes, just to show me that you can do all these basic disciplines and i can proceed with your request for a kebab.
Fred starts the discipline(s).
Fitness Buddy pipes up rather angrily, get down and do them properly Mr. Smith, i wont tell you again.
Fred completes the programme and eventualy satisfies the Buddy.
He rings back the kebab shop and goes ahead with his order.
Jake. Okay Mr.Smith, we can proceed now, but there is just one more thing, my telescreen is telling me that your wife smoked for 10 years and with all that passive smoking that you have inhaled,we cant risk the cost of insurance increase, so i'm afraid that i'm gonna have to put the £10 back onto your order i'm afraid.
Jake. Hello, hello Mr. Smith. Hello.

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