FC united of Bury moving on my doorstep...... :(

orangupingu_mcfc said:
nashark said:
Oldham are building their stadium next to the above site, so FC United won't be moving there.

As for F.C United, I have no qualms with the reasons behind their inception, but as much as they might like to disguise it, they are still a United B-team.

Most fans who go to the F.C United games will be the ones cheering the other United on at the weekend, so in that sense, until there's a real enmity between the two clubs, FC United can never be a club in their own right. That also means they'll never be able to attract neutral supporters or disenfranchised City supporters, and it'll just be a team to watch when United aren't on telly - which is a shame really, because it could have been a proper unifying grass roots football club in Manchester.

In choosing to polarise Mancunians, and maintain the traditions of the club they desperately wanted to get away from, they've also chosen to keep the rivalry with City. Big mistake.

Now that they want to come into my town (Moston as well as Manchester), and

threaten to take away supporters of my club, I'll fight tooth and nail to keep
them out. I'll be speaking to Rita Taverner, Paul Murphy, and all the other people at the council. Petitions as well. Whatever it takes to keep this ramshackle club out, It'll be done.
Because Manchester will always be blue.[/quot

I tried to set up an official petition thorugh Manchester City Council's website, however, you're not allowed to petition against planning proposals apparently

It's ridiculous!

I wonder if mad eyed has had any replies to his email he sent to the local councillors ? No doubt there keeping there heads down seeing it's close to the local elections I think this would be a great opportunity for the green party to run with this issue !
Oldham are building their stadium next to the above site, so FC United won't be moving there.

As an earlier poster noted, they got knocked back by the charity commission.

Most fans who go to the F.C United games will be the ones cheering the other United on at the weekend

so in that sense, until there's a real enmity between the two clubs FC United can never be a club in their own right.
I didn't realise a club needed enemies in order to exist? MUFC choose to ignore our existence, no real enmity, just a general aversion to our existence. And apologies for shattering your illusions, but we're a club in our own right, we play in an FA sanctioned competition and cups, hell, we even made the draw for the 3rd round of the FA Cup.

That also means they'll never be able to attract neutral supporters or disenfranchised City supporters, and it'll just be a team to watch when United aren't on telly - which is a shame really, because it could have been a proper unifying grass roots football club in Manchester.
There's plenty of 'neutrals' who come and watch us. Stand with me at Gigg Lane and I could introduce you to a Preston fan, a Bury fan, a Brighton fan, a Liverpool fan, and whisper it, a city fan. As for grassroots, have a look at our community and youth work, where our players are from. You may even find out that two of our current first team have city tattoos, one of those being our captain.

In choosing to polarise Mancunians
Not sure how we've polarised Mancunians. I'm pretty sure there was plenty of polarity between City and United long before FCUM were formed.

maintain the traditions of the club they desperately wanted to get away from,
I'd be very surprised if you'll find any traditions that we share with MUFC as a football club.

they've also chosen to keep the rivalry with City.
Well, we are United fans, so a dislike of city is ingrained, as you'll appreciate. But in truth we shouldn't appear on your radar, our footballing rivals are of a completely different calibre to yourselves, such as Bradford Park Avenue, FC Halifax Town and Marine.

Big mistake. Now that they want to come into my town (Moston as well as Manchester)
I think you'll find the majority of us are already in 'your' town, including Moston. But that's an old argument and never the twain shall meet.

and threaten to take away supporters of my club, I'll fight tooth and nail to keep them out.
How could we possibly be a threat to your support? We play in the Northern Premier League and get gates of 2,000. And we've got United in our name, surely that's enough to put off most city fans?

I'll be speaking to Rita Taverner, Paul Murphy, and all the other people at the council. Petitions as well. Whatever it takes to keep this ramshackle club out, It'll be done. Because Manchester will always be blue.
If you've any legitimate concerns, then contact the council, as is your democratic right. If your concerns are simply that we're 'Rags' and you don't like United, then I'm not sure that'll get you very far. Much as it didn't when my Dad was moaning when City moved to Clayton...
Ramshackle, yep. We wouldn't have it any other way!
M 72 -well said, and if I'm honest more reasoned and well explained than I would of managed.

I understand the hatred -it's what we are all brought up on, but FCUM are the antipathy of Premiership football, so consequently it is a very different type of fan who will "get" what we are all about.

The deep anger over TAL has abated and now I just want to continue watching a football club I own in a ground that will help contribute to the local ecomomy. We wish to ensure watching football and being involved with a football club that is accessible to all.

So if the Moston location annoys some people then that is unfortunate, but wherever we would of been allowed to build we all know the same would of happened.
politico said:
M 72 -well said, and if I'm honest more reasoned and well explained than I would of managed.

I understand the hatred -it's what we are all brought up on, but FCUM are the antipathy of Premiership football, so consequently it is a very different type of fan who will "get" what we are all about.

The deep anger over TAL has abated and now I just want to continue watching a football club I own in a ground that will help contribute to the local ecomomy. We wish to ensure watching football and being involved with a football club that is accessible to all.

So if the Moston location annoys some people then that is unfortunate, but wherever we would of been allowed to build we all know the same would of happened.

My gripe is absolutely to do with the location. If FCUM were to be built on an area that did not destroy the surrounding area and were to be built on wasteland, which you can see is available if you just look at the picture on a previous page, I would not oppose the build. I would still have reservations as it would still impact traffic and noise etc.

The site further up St Marys Rd that I pointed out is in a more industrial area, with a train depot across/up the road and a petrol station opposite it, therefore it would not look completely out of place with it's surroundings, like it would on the field should the build go ahead. It would make the area actually look better if it were to be built there.

Yes, City fans of Moston will not want FCUM anywhere near where they live because of the United links, but I am solely concerned with the field.

@nashark - if we want to oppose this build, City fans or not, we need to come up with legitimate reasons as to why planning permission should be refused. I fully understand your reaction though, it too also makes me a little uncomfortable to know that FCUM might be across the road from me, but in reality, it's not really a valid reason to oppose something that has the potential to benefit Moston. It's just the area that gets my back up. Don't forget the Facebook page :)

Can you not find some sort of endangered frog whose natural habitat would be destroyed, were FCUM to build a stadium there? You could get Joanne Lumley to present a petition to parliament, get t-shirts done and everything.

Seriously though, has there been a local survey done actually documenting the opinions of all the local residents?
Viva Rivaldo said:
Can you not find some sort of endangered frog whose natural habitat would be destroyed, were FCUM to build a stadium there? You could get Joanne Lumley to present a petition to parliament, get t-shirts done and everything.

Seriously though, has there been a local survey done actually documenting the opinions of all the local residents?

Should we just get rid of all parks etc so we can have more shops and shit like that? Nowhere for anyone to go and walk... I guess I'm banging my head against a brick wall with people like you, can't see the bigger picture about why people might be angry about this so just make a joke of it. Can you not see my point? I'm guessing from the way you've replied you've never felt passionate about anything that you'll actually fight for it, other than what affects yourself. Are greenland and parks not considered important enough to fight for?

No surveys as of yet, and councillors are avoiding questions from those who ask. It's too close to election time for them to jeopardise any votes. I think FCUM plan to canvas, but this will be done after planning will be accepted (the application has already gone in), so there's no point really is there? They just want to know what we think after it's been accepted so the people who oppose it won't get a say.

If I'm incorrect please do correct me, I'd like to know whether FCUM, or the council, will come and see US about what we think before the planning permission request is accepted.
M72 said:
Some people think I may be nuts to come on here, but I'll offer to clear up a few misconceptions...

Whilst Ten Acres Lane has been deemed financially unviable by the council, MCC had already committed funding to Ronald Johnson for an alternative project long before the government directed cuts. The council wants FCUM and its community programme in Manchester, which is why it is planning to help with the Moston site. £750k hasn't suddenly been found, it had already been allocated, and not initially for FCUM's benefit.

The council has given the club an agreement that they will support FCUM. The council cannot guarantee planning permission for the development as this is a statutory process beyond their control. However, just as at Ten Acres Lane FCUM will look to work closely with the residents in the new area to consult them about the plans, develop facilities for their benefit and hopefully bring them on board. Consultation is both a statutory requirement and something the club want to do in a meaningful way.

Residents may campaign against building on the alternative site, although that in itself doesn’t automatically mean the club wouldn’t get planning permission. The club do of course want residents to want the club there and will work with them to get their support and consult them. The club constitution binds them to delivering benefit to local communities, and showing how they will do this will help ensure residents are onside.

Personally speaking, I think the whole project would benefit the area on a number of levels, not least community engagement, regeneration and employment. Yep, we're red, and that'll grate with many on here, but we think this is a positive move by the council and the club for the area, and believe that the fact we are 'rags' shouldn't be an obstacle in a scheme that will be of long term benefit to the community.

I'm sure I'll get a proper slagging for even daring to look, let alone contribute to this forum, but as your discussion shows up fairly high on search engine rankings, I come in peace and thought I'd address some of your issues. I don't expect you to roll out the welcome mat, but there you have it, any questions you want answering, I'll give it a go...

Peace and love...

An FCUM fan, Burnage.

If it such the utopia you claim it will be, get the stadium built in Burnage then!

There simply isnt the room, with the park in the middle of two roads with no parking. Lightbowne Road is very busy also on City's matchdays, so add another thousand cars into the process and the roads will be a nightmare.

Monsall Hospital site would be the best bet - not in a residential area, 5 minutes walk from a new tram stop and plenty of room for cars too.
Keep Moston Green

-- Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:52 pm --

Tueartsoverhead kick said:

I wonder if mad eyed has had any replies to his email he sent to the local councillors ? No doubt there keeping there heads down seeing it's close to the local elections I think this would be a great opportunity for the green party to run with this issue !

Yes!! Just got back form work....
Cllr Murphy emailed first thing this morning:
Thanks for your mail. You are correct that this is still a proposal. Until
we see concrete proposals we cannot comment. I hold the view that the
covenant must be honoured and that scheme should benefit all of Moston's
people including youngsters who in the middle of winter change in a car on
Lightbowne Road and go home full of dirt to shower. They are important to
and they don't have a vote

And this just in from Cllr Cooper:
When we know more, we will let the public know

So both completely ignore the question...... the topic is simple..... are you in favour of concreting over green space in Moston or are you not. It's not like the choice is FCUM or a factory or a bus depot..... it's concrete or grass.....

Is it too late to put someone up as a Keep Moston Green candidate in next months elections?<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:20 pm --<br /><br />Just fired this email off to the three councillors and Richard Leese as Cllr Murphy cc'd me into his reply

Cllr Murphy
Thanks for the reply -
Whilst I appreciate you say you cannot make any comment until you see concrete (rather ironic use of the word there!) proposals, I still feel you will have already made your mind up about this issue.
The topic isn't ''OK, do we go for FCUM, a factory or a bus depot on the site?''
The topic is do you wish to see a concrete covering of grassed area and a football stadium and car park built at the site - or do you wish to keep a green and open space in a built up residential area for people to enjoy for years to come?

Mad Eyed Screamer ;)
politico said:
M 72 -well said, and if I'm honest more reasoned and well explained than I would of managed.

I understand the hatred -it's what we are all brought up on, but FCUM are the antipathy of Premiership football, so consequently it is a very different type of fan who will "get" what we are all about.

The deep anger over TAL has abated and now I just want to continue watching a football club I own in a ground that will help contribute to the local ecomomy. We wish to ensure watching football and being involved with a football club that is accessible to all.

So if the Moston location annoys some people then that is unfortunate, but wherever we would of been allowed to build we all know the same would of happened.

Oh my God!

You seriously believe you somehow have the moral high ground just because you support a pub team!

What about Rochdale fans? Or Latics fans?

Can't they claim even higher moral ground than you... simply because of the fact that they didn't dump their club just so they can look cool to their mates!"

You're all just rags. The only difference is that the ones who stayed at Old Trafford support just the one club... while you bunch of Judases pick and choose which team to support as the occasion suits...

And as for the "antipathy" of what a Premiership club is all about... do me a favour!

You have a bigger commercial set up than some Championship clubs. You sold out your "principles" when you changed kick off times and took the TV money... just like your "big" team does.

You have a club that is ten times bigger than any other in the leagues you have been playing in, and most of your "followers" are grizzled old survivors from Doc's Red Army days. This is a club that is all about ego.

Oh, and it's "have" not "of". I'm surprised someone who can spell antipathy can't spell have...
Soulboy said:
You're all just rags. The only difference is that the ones who stayed at Old Trafford support just the one club... while you bunch of Judases pick and choose which team to support as the occasion suits...

Only this.

Soulboy said:
And as for the "antipathy" of what a Premiership club is all about... do me a favour!

The biggest fucking whopper of the lot. They are all about making fucking money...just ask Sky lol
Soulboy said:
politico said:
M 72 -well said, and if I'm honest more reasoned and well explained than I would of managed.

I understand the hatred -it's what we are all brought up on, but FCUM are the antipathy of Premiership football, so consequently it is a very different type of fan who will "get" what we are all about.

The deep anger over TAL has abated and now I just want to continue watching a football club I own in a ground that will help contribute to the local ecomomy. We wish to ensure watching football and being involved with a football club that is accessible to all.

So if the Moston location annoys some people then that is unfortunate, but wherever we would of been allowed to build we all know the same would of happened.

Oh my God!

You seriously believe you somehow have the moral high ground just because you support a pub team!

What about Rochdale fans? Or Latics fans?

Can't they claim even higher moral ground than you... simply because of the fact that they didn't dump their club just so they can look cool to their mates!"

You're all just rags. The only difference is that the ones who stayed at Old Trafford support just the one club... while you bunch of Judases pick and choose which team to support as the occasion suits...

And as for the "antipathy" of what a Premiership club is all about... do me a favour!

You have a bigger commercial set up than some Championship clubs. You sold out your "principles" when you changed kick off times and took the TV money... just like your "big" team does.

You have a club that is ten times bigger than any other in the leagues you have been playing in, and most of your "followers" are grizzled old survivors from Doc's Red Army days. This is a club that is all about ego.

Oh, and it's "have" not "of". I'm surprised someone who can spell antipathy can't spell have...
I thought cup games get moved about unlike league games.

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