Feeling flat?

I work at home and so don’t have colleagues on a day to day basis. That said, the people I work with aren’t like that. It’s an office with little to no banter.

I only see it on socials, and it’s always the same thing. A site will put up an achievement of ours and each and every reply will be about 115 and cheating. The back button is pressed, I laugh and then that’s that.

RAWK is the most vocal about it in terms of fans opinions. Again though it’s just letters typed online. I laugh at them also and think of their * title.

There is only one thing really that gets my back up a bit, and that is when someone says noisy neighbours like this yellow tie wearing twat just did on talksport. That’s the only one really that gets me.
Fair do's obviously our encounters with the vitriol are different.
Anyone else feeling abit flat, a bit knackered ?

So proud of this club and team and I really didn't expect us to be so good this season after the treble. So what an unbelievable mental strength the team has.

To go on the run City have done I found myself getting knackered after each game, even from my sofa !.
I went to Brighton away and put so much effort into support the blues my throat hurt for days.

But now the season has ended and I feel bit flat. I guess that's normal after reaching your target of 4 in a row.

For some reason I'm finding all this 115 shit very draining at the moment. City have done something that's never been done before yet all I hear is 115.

I'm fed up to the back teeth of this 115 fuck me other clubs cheat in clear site and nothing is done. Dippers 50million fiddle, rags well fucking rags.

Just a rant I feel so proud But little flat ;(
3 days since losing to the rags, feel totally miserable and depressed……
Not really arsed about the 115 it’s just unsubstantiated bollocks that no-one who spouts it has a clue what they’re actually talking about, including the dickheads in the media.

I’m also certain Khaldoon and co will have it in hand whenever the time is right to deal with any charges and get them dismissed in court.

However, that shitshow cup final has got me feeling a bit flat. It was another golden opportunity to cement our dominance over those cunts and keep their disgusting red shirts in the cupboard for another summer. Now suddenly they believe again and feel they’re our equal. I could have even taken losing to Liverpool in that game and got over it quick, but to be honest this feels even worse than the Wigan debacle.

It’s immensely frustrating and shows we need a seismic transfer window to beat the bastards and Arsenal back down again next season. Tired of us constantly lettingrivals catch up. From our position of champions six of the last seven years, CL regulars and Pep we should be going for signings that no rival can match.
Its understandable pal after such an intense end to the season and then the cup final being the end of what was a brilliant season.

As for 115, its fucking impossible to get away from it so i'm with you on that one. I'm at a point where i just don't talk about football to people other than a few direct mates who know better than to talk bollocks.

On saturday lunch i was in my local Boothes buying some beer for the game. Oldish lady on the checkout asked what i was up to and just said watching the cup final and hopefully a celebration afterwards. She asked who i supported and when i said City she instantly replied 'ooooohhhhh, there the ones my husband says are cheats all the time.....' I just instantly stopped talking to her, paid and left. Went from a pleasant exchange on a lovely sunny day to instantly pissing me off. Its that kind of shit that really bugs me.
You know the drill, smash her backdoors in and torch the shop
I always feel a bit flat at the end of the season, it takes it out of us and not just the players.

I'll be ready 'to go' again in August.

Summer sport will mainly be Le Tour & Olympics with just a little bit of footie thrown in.

Hopefully the players can get some sort of R&R before it all kicks off again.
Anyone else feeling abit flat, a bit knackered ?

So proud of this club and team and I really didn't expect us to be so good this season after the treble. So what an unbelievable mental strength the team has.

To go on the run City have done I found myself getting knackered after each game, even from my sofa !.
I went to Brighton away and put so much effort into support the blues my throat hurt for days.

But now the season has ended and I feel bit flat. I guess that's normal after reaching your target of 4 in a row.

For some reason I'm finding all this 115 shit very draining at the moment. City have done something that's never been done before yet all I hear is 115.

I'm fed up to the back teeth of this 115 fuck me other clubs cheat in clear site and nothing is done. Dippers 50million fiddle, rags well fucking rags.

Just a rant I feel so proud But little flat ;(
We should go for 115 in a Row.
Anyone else feeling abit flat, a bit knackered ?

So proud of this club and team and I really didn't expect us to be so good this season after the treble. So what an unbelievable mental strength the team has.

To go on the run City have done I found myself getting knackered after each game, even from my sofa !.
I went to Brighton away and put so much effort into support the blues my throat hurt for days.

But now the season has ended and I feel bit flat. I guess that's normal after reaching your target of 4 in a row.

For some reason I'm finding all this 115 shit very draining at the moment. City have done something that's never been done before yet all I hear is 115.

I'm fed up to the back teeth of this 115 fuck me other clubs cheat in clear site and nothing is done. Dippers 50million fiddle, rags well fucking rags.

Just a rant I feel so proud But little flat ;(
Don’t let the cunts get you down mate that’s what they want just laugh at the sad bastards who call us cheats etc it makes there piss boil even more you can see the pain in there eyes at what we’re achieving
Fuck them all and on to 5 in a row

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