Fellow FOC's thank you.

Wow I just want to say thank you to all our fellow FOC's to ones still here and to the ones sadly departed. ( miss you dad )

We stood shoulder to shoulder through the shit times and than the even shitter times.
We had bananas, self mocking songs we turned up in our 10's of thousands for each game, through the Manchester rain. We walked through the dog shit alleys of Maine Road passed the bloke with the 'end of the world is nigh' of the hope of a City win.

We never lost our manc dry humour, yes we demonstrated against Swales but we still turned up.

Even down here in the saff I would see fellow City and we would have a chat, it was a rare thing to see a City fan down saff. That is changing fast !

it was a challenge to keep our off spring as blues but most managed it. Teasing at school etc

It's been worth the journey and I wouldn't change it for the world. The worst we got the stronger my faith in my home town club grew.

City and Oasis kept me going

I just wanted to say thank you to fellow FOC's it's been one fucking journey, now our kids take us to the Etihad as our old and knackered bodies start to slow up.

Thank you FOC's and thank you to our off spring who followed our believe and support for Manchester City the best team and club in all the World.

My ramble is over have a great Christmas blues
Superb post

There’s 4 of us sit together at City, me and 2 of my longest standing friends of over 55 years plus a girl I’ve know since I met her in Hospital 61 years ago, (my sister).

Myself and two mates all turn 65 within 3 months of each other next season, like most in this age bracket we’ve been through a lot especially the last few years. However that’s been tempered by the huge success of our club. We’ve been through good times, Bell, Lee, Buzzer and trophies but endured some absolute crap, always with a smile. The nadir came at Stoke on the 3rd May 1998, what a horrible day as we were relegated to the third tier of English football.

We’re now enjoying a success we couldn’t have dreamed off, we get battered from pillar to post from the media but like last night watching us become World Champions in the pub with my Blue mates we don’t think about that shit.

So yes, Merry Christmas to all the FOC’s out there but just as importantly best wishes to all Blues of any generation, you’re the best out there, have a good un, one and all.
Posted on here before that my first game was in 1959 at home to Wolves, the then champions and a major force in Europe.

We put four past them.. but they put six past Bert (my first ever hero) Trautmann! I was introduced to 'Typical City' from the word go!

As 'GITG' says, it's been a hell of a ride ever since but I wouldn't change a thing because, as others have said, for me it's helped make me the person I am (I hope); loyal to friends and family; appreciative of the good times as well as understanding that life won't always go swimmingly; appreciative too of the fellow Blues I've met and come to know at the ground down the years; and always getting the first round in when they open the gates on match days*..

Enjoy it, savour it, fellow Blues, whether FOCs or newbies!

The success we've had in recent years has been truly astonishing. That it has been delivered by managers and squads that have played the most glorious football I've ever witnessed, is something else, beyond the wildest dreams I ever had as that kid from Hulme watching us, my team, my club, for the first ever time..

(* note to self.. you really should try to arrive a bit later, maybe get a later train so others can get 'em in..!)
Yes we stuck with it because that's what real football fans do. In spite of what the Johnny come lately keyboard warriors and the embittered redshirt media clowns say, we know what we are and so do the real matchgoing fans up and down the country. Thirty five years without a trophy and if we're honest we probably would never have won one again without the takeover. Did we give a fuck? No, we were City and took pride in the fact we were shit but never gave up. Now we have an owner, manager and team that matches our fantastic supporters. We really are the best team in the land and all the world!
I sometimes think we should thank Thaksin for the take over, not that he deserves any thanks.

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