Fergie's a c*ck but has a point here

Didsbury Dave said:
Of course Ferguson makes mistake. I am sure he said selling Jaap Stam was his biggest.

But there can be no doubt whatseover that he is a good people manager because his teams are always that - teams. At the moment they are greater than the sum of their parts and a lot of that comes down to making them operate as a team.

To have an effective team you have tomanage them properly as individuals and their success in terms of trophies and also keeping their best players happy speaks for itself.

He is a stupid prick though, no doubt, let me make that clear. But I don't think his players think he's that, that's the point.

Mancini? He'll find it easier as his language gets better and I'm sure he's learnt lots of lessions. There's no doubt he's made mistakes in this respect but as I said, the signs seem much better recently.

I think we've all been let down by a number of individuals on the playing staff this past 18 months or so to be honest.

It seems apparent that a number of players figured their days were numbered and set about fucking things up as best they could.

I take your point and I agree but at the same time we've had a lot of shit to get rid of before we can think about being a strong unit.

As Mancini adapts and the squad changes to reflect that, I'm sure we'll become a much, much stronger unit.
Didsbury Dave said:
Of course Ferguson makes mistake. I am sure he said selling Jaap Stam was his biggest.

But there can be no doubt whatseover that he is a good people manager because his teams are always that - teams. At the moment they are greater than the sum of their parts and a lot of that comes down to making them operate as a team.

To have an effective team you have tomanage them properly as individuals and their success in terms of trophies and also keeping their best players happy speaks for itself.

He is a stupid prick though, no doubt, let me make that clear. But I don't think his players think he's that, that's the point.

Mancini? He'll find it easier as his language gets better and I'm sure he's learnt lots of lessions. There's no doubt he's made mistakes in this respect but as I said, the signs seem much better recently.

Can we stop agreeing in the next couple of days mate. I feel like I have lost my magnetic north from which to navigate.
TheMightyQuinn said:
As Mancini adapts and the squad changes to reflect that, I'm sure we'll become a much, much stronger unit.

I really hope so.

He's certainly a very lucky manager to be in the position to make such wholesale changes to the playing staff.

The more we win the bigger his authority. That's certainly strengthening his arm now.
Secret of management is geting the best out of what you have got. Fergusson inhereted a lot of money from the swamp's resources and got away with weak initial performances long enough until he bought in stability and success. What irks me is that now they do not look in the main strong individual players and should be beatable ; but its not happening so far despite some lucky breaks. They are certainly playing well as team and cover very hard for each other. They are not allowed primadonna status. We need to cross that Rubicon as well or prove that the primadonna model (Real Madrid "galactico") can work here. However,as pointed out earlier, recruiting expensive players with overinflated egos as to their skill levels is leaving a lot of damage in the background with sulking players earning a 50-100k a week for doing nothing. If you buy in a lot of expensive players, your mangement expectaions have to be raised accordingly. Being 4th is hardly an achievement in that context. But a bigger question, how long does mancini really see himself here ? I doubt even 5 years?
Didsbury Dave said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
As Mancini adapts and the squad changes to reflect that, I'm sure we'll become a much, much stronger unit.

I really hope so.

He's certainly a very lucky manager to be in the position to make such wholesale changes to the playing staff.

The more we win the bigger his authority. That's certainly strengthening his arm now.

I agree and as time passes and his own men come in whilst the back stabbing also runs are moved on we'll all see a marked improvement on what's already been pretty special so far!
Pretty sure Nani and Anderson have moaned about not being picked. Owen recently was complained about not playing. Didn't Brown kick off at the beginning of the season about not being picked? I don't pay that much attention to them so maybe I'm wrong. I can always tell when fergibum is lying because his lips move
SWP's back said:

Ferguson, speaking on The Football Show on Sirius XM, was asked how he managed to keep players happy while maintaining his rotation policy – he has not named the same side in successive matches since the final week of the 2008-09 season. At City, there have been several outbursts through the media from fringe players, the latest Micah Richards's saying last week he was contemplating leaving.

"Several things come into it, but first of all the players have to understand that, at Manchester United, we have to use our squad," Ferguson said. "I'll always explain to a player I have left out exactly what I am trying to do and the reason for not including him in a particular game.

"In general, it appears to pay off, in terms of respect for the player and giving him his head. If he has his own opinion, great, I am happy to talk it through with him and they always know they may be playing next week and somebody else will have to sit it out.

"If we win things, then it shows the way we have gone about things is correct. If we are winning the Premier League, European Cup or FA Cup, then we know we have done the right thing."

As much as I hate him, the one thing he ensures, is that no player snipes to the press about being rotated. That is the one facet of his management that I would like over here.

Didn't our own 'Judas' Tevez complain publicly about not been played while still at Man U? Saying that, it wouldn't be out of character!
There was an interesting article the other day from David James about what players think of managers. One of the strongest comments he made was just a throwaway remark when he was explaining why Avram was popular at Pompey. Apparently he did communicate decisions and James follows this by saying, "Everyone hates a manager who drops players without any warning or explanation.".

It does make you think that maybe Fergie is telling a little of the truth for once.

Anyone who believes this interview, wants their head feeling. He saying all this rubbish for a reason ! he rarely does interviews and when he does
its normally to have a sly dig at someone, or to cover up the truth.
The only time Ferguson tells the truth is when he's stuck for a lie.

Belle vue dogs get treated better than he treats his players..
SWP's back said:

Ferguson, speaking on The Football Show on Sirius XM, was asked how he managed to keep players happy while maintaining his rotation policy – he has not named the same side in successive matches since the final week of the 2008-09 season. At City, there have been several outbursts through the media from fringe players, the latest Micah Richards's saying last week he was contemplating leaving.

"Several things come into it, but first of all the players have to understand that, at Manchester United, we have to use our squad," Ferguson said. "I'll always explain to a player I have left out exactly what I am trying to do and the reason for not including him in a particular game.

"In general, it appears to pay off, in terms of respect for the player and giving him his head. If he has his own opinion, great, I am happy to talk it through with him and they always know they may be playing next week and somebody else will have to sit it out.

"If we win things, then it shows the way we have gone about things is correct. If we are winning the Premier League, European Cup or FA Cup, then we know we have done the right thing."

As much as I hate him, the one thing he ensures, is that no player snipes to the press about being rotated. That is the one facet of his management that I would like over here.

I agee with the hate part. Otherwise he can fuck off.

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