Ferguson **Confirmed Retired** (merged)

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Re: Slurgie to retire...

He will probably announce it at about 7pm on Saturday.
Re: Slurgie to retire...

I have no love of him at all, but i wish he would retire at the top as as much as it hurts me to say the man has been a genius and he deserves his place in the pantheon of truly great managers.
Re: Slurgie to retire...

would make me piss if he packed it in, then jose turns them down to go back to chelsea. also how long does it take to recover from a hip replacement? cant see it being quick in a 70 odd year old bloke.
Re: Slurgie to retire...

Rascal said:
I have no love of him at all, but i wish he would retire at the top as as much as it hurts me to say the man has been a genius and he deserves his place in the pantheon of truly great managers.

Can't tell if your wumming but I totally agree with you. In footballing terms he is the best, but off the field the man is a prick

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f6/sir-alex-ferguson-considering-retiring-manchester-united-manager-370296/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f6/sir-alex-ferg ... er-370296/</a>
Re: Slurgie to retire...

bammy blue said:
also how long does it take to recover from a hip replacement?.

Its a matter of days mate. They have you up walking the day after.

Bloke i know who was 60 had both done at once he as back at work 2 weeks later and he was a gardner
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