Fernandinho - 2018/19 Performances

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He won the ball back as many times as Zee, 4 times each. Again, in a game we dominated, in which there was less to do defensively, I'd argue that it was those who did the most 'on the ball' that we'r
were most relevant.

On the ball, Dihno had about 55 touches, the least of all the players other than Gabriel. Who's low level of touches are understandable. Generally the CBs anf Zee by passed Dihno when we had the ball. In my view and facts back it up, he simply was often not around the ball.

His pass to Sterling for the fake penalty was beautiful and vintage Dihno. And so we're 3 or 4 passes out to the wings. Again like I have said he did not play well, I'm simply saying he wasn't the best.

Mahrez with 2 assists both of his own creativity, a goal and numerous acts of abuuse of the Shaktar's left back and a triangle of excellence with Bernardo and Walker on the right, simply put was head and shoulders better. So was Sterling. His goal, his movements touches are all representative of why. I can make arguments for others roo but that's besides the point.

I'm simply saying that objectively, he wasn't the best player on yesterday. Not by a mile. Good as he was

You couldn't be any more wrong even if you spent a week sat at home making a plan on how to somehow be more wrong. You couldn't.
He’s the fulcrum. The grease that oils the mago/Bernardo/Riyad shaped cogs. He makes their jobs easier by doing the unseen work. Like an open side flanker in egg ball.
Fuck Ben. Nagging like a load of old women.
Fern was his usual diligent self. Others were just as good.
Does it matter who is MOTM, it's a team game.
What specifically did he do that made you conclude this?

The important interceptions/tackles he made to win back possession, his distribution from the back and his creativity going forward with numerous defence splitting passes.
Can't believe no one is mentioning Dinho. He was phenomenal. Broke up the play all game and didn't give their players a sniff of starting an attack.
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