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ANY1aBLUE said:
Akira said:
On another day, we did have people here saying Javi Garcia was good prior to signing for us.

I agree - sorry, i just dont trust our scouts any more.........

Garcia was top draw when playing for Benfica and is struggling to fit in our system as well as adapt to the speed and technical side of our play. Coupled with not playing much with Garcia it is a toughie, however no one can doubt he was good before he came here playing pivotal roles in the midfield for Benfica in their league and CL. He was one of their top players, just like Sinclair saying he is shit... he is not, before coming to city he played much better than Johnson and had a better knack for scoring.

These lads just didn't fit in with the system<br /><br />-- Mon May 06, 2013 9:14 am --<br /><br />
richards30 said:
Morning chaps, having read those newspaper reports then it seems like he wants to come. Might have been nice for him to mention trying himself in a better league, playing with players like yaya, silva and aguero rather than wanting to move just to get noticed?? Probably being picky but he mullered Chelsea in the champions league and is coming onto peak age! Would be a fantastic signing as shaktar do have a fantastic team who many people on here underestimate.

probably does not want to offend his current team mates/supporters and club in the Ukraine
toffee balls said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
alextheswede said:


If he's playing for donesk at 28 yrs of age - he can't be that good............
Don't you just love ANY1ARed
He just seems a WUM, foe him?
SuperSilva said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
Akira said:
On another day, we did have people here saying Javi Garcia was good prior to signing for us.

I agree - sorry, i just dont trust our scouts any more.........

Garcia was top draw when playing for Benfica and is struggling to fit in our system as well as adapt to the speed and technical side of our play. Coupled with not playing much with Garcia it is a toughie, however no one can doubt he was good before he came here playing pivotal roles in the midfield for Benfica in their league and CL. He was one of their top players, just like Sinclair saying he is shit... he is not, before coming to city he played much better than Johnson and had a better knack for scoring.

These lads just didn't fit in with the system

-- Mon May 06, 2013 9:14 am --

richards30 said:
Morning chaps, having read those newspaper reports then it seems like he wants to come. Might have been nice for him to mention trying himself in a better league, playing with players like yaya, silva and aguero rather than wanting to move just to get noticed?? Probably being picky but he mullered Chelsea in the champions league and is coming onto peak age! Would be a fantastic signing as shaktar do have a fantastic team who many people on here underestimate.

probably does not want to offend his current team mates/supporters and club in the Ukraine
Very possible mate, also understandable. Just hope we can grab him quickly!
Well I have no clue about the lad but 28 and never been looked at. I hope it's not a case of shutting our eyes and splurging a huge amount on another bag of shite player for the sake of it.

All those in the "give him a chance" brigade need to hope he's a very good player because we have read the script many times

tal Ben haim
Robbie fowler
I'm sure the list is much longer. Just saying its one thing doing it in Russia or wherever but in the prem it's a totally different standard. Hope he isn't JO mark two
ANY1aBLUE said:
alextheswede said:


If he's playing for donesk at 28 yrs of age - he can't be that good............

Tony Book.
bobmcfc said:
Well I have no clue about the lad but 28 and never been looked at. I hope it's not a case of shutting our eyes and splurging a huge amount on another bag of shite player for the sake of it.

All those in the "give him a chance" brigade need to hope he's a very good player because we have read the script many times

tal Ben haim
Robbie fowler
I'm sure the list is much longer. Just saying its one thing doing it in Russia or wherever but in the prem it's a totally different standard. Hope he isn't JO mark two
it takes a long time for these traumas to heal don't it?
George Hannah said:
bobmcfc said:
Well I have no clue about the lad but 28 and never been looked at. I hope it's not a case of shutting our eyes and splurging a huge amount on another bag of shite player for the sake of it.

All those in the "give him a chance" brigade need to hope he's a very good player because we have read the script many times

tal Ben haim
Robbie fowler
I'm sure the list is much longer. Just saying its one thing doing it in Russia or wherever but in the prem it's a totally different standard. Hope he isn't JO mark two
it takes a long time for these traumas to heal don't it?

It does. Also I'm a woman and want to be able to say "I told you so" just have the option now my reservations are registered ;)
bobmcfc said:
Dirty Harry said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
If he's playing for donesk at 28 yrs of age - he can't be that good............

Robin van Persie was playing for Arsenal until he was 28ish and look at him.

That is a really terrible comparison lol

OH Bob, you of all people ;-) (although it does actually stand up more than you'd imagine lol, but of course, I jest)
richards30 said:
kun said:
alextheswede said:

WOW!!! That is some team and incredibly very possible!! How lucky are we with our wonderful owner!!

That team still has no width and that has been 50% of the problem this year.
Plain Speaking said:
toffee balls said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
If he's playing for donesk at 28 yrs of age - he can't be that good............
Don't you just love ANY1ARed
He just seems a WUM, foe him?

No idea what that tosh meant - but,clearly meant to be offensive in a childish way - so, whats wrong with what I said? If he's playing for shaktah at 28yrs - why would he be good for us. Seems a normal straightforward question for the averagely intelligent.............

-- Mon May 06, 2013 10:53 am --

Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
alextheswede said:


If he's playing for donesk at 28 yrs of age - he can't be that good............

Tony Book.

blimey, thought he was more local than that..................<br /><br />-- Mon May 06, 2013 10:54 am --<br /><br />
oakiecokie said:
Benarbia said:
SuperSilva said:
Looks like this will be a forced move by a player... poor move from the Shakhtar coach dictating price publicly.

Fernandinho is now 90% certain to leave this Summer and come to us.

This is one target we don't have to worry fighting other clubs away for, with him clearly stating he wants out to go to City.... good lad!

There is clearly a reason why nobody else is in for him

Mr Negativity at it again I see !!!

Mr Realistic
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