Fernando Torres [Merged]

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Must admit I am watching what is going on at Liverpool with a morbid facination.

Everyone knows that financially they are fucked, £400 million in debt that needed refinancing 6 months ago, RBS the holder is state owned and wont lend to them again, there are no takers for this sort of debt currently.

They were losing £50 million a season even before they lost the champions league (£25 - £30 million a season) plus their league placing droped from 2 - 7th, no decent cup runs.

They could easily lose another £80 - £90 million in this financial year if something is not done. The owners want out and hate each but the cost of buying the club from them, clearing the debts, and building the new ground is approaching £1 billion now. Whos going to pay that for liverpool ?

Really they should be selling anything with a pulse to balance the books but this is football.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Rammy Blue said:

Ha Love it.

-- Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:24 pm --

shadygiz said:
has someone nicked your login ID??

Nope, just not getting giddy over a world mega mega super mega super duper superstar who will score 2 or 3 goals more than a striker we already have that we would have to pay £60m to help a club i hate as much as the rags and be injured for much of it.

Torres is on another level to both Tevez and Ade imo, that extra 2/3 goals could be invaluable come the end of the season. Nando scores more important goals than Ade imo.... when the game is in deadlock Torres has that extra piece of magic for me that wins you the game 1-0 and could get you 30 plus mill by firing you to a cup/league title etc. Thats why he's consitently talked about and those type of transfer fee's are banded around.
Ntini77 said:
I can see Liverpool finishing 10th this season.

My god I hope you are right.<br /><br />-- Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:18 am --<br /><br />
Prophet of Doom said:
What makes me laugh about the dippers is that Woy comes out and says we dont have to sell and they all accept it as fact.

FFS Hodgson will not have control over anything at that club. He's the nice guy 'patsy' brought in to take the heat when the sales start.

He's a nice guy that wont cause the owners ( RBS ) any trouble, and is an honourable bloke the press will not give a hard time to.

The dippers are so clued in that they are still campaiging against Hicks and Gillette. FFS they have nothing to do with the running of the football club anymore so why campaign against them ?

They blame Moores for selling to the americans instead of DIC. Here is an idea...google DIC and see the debt mountain they are carrying at the moment, and wonder if it would be better than it is at the moment.

No tears will be shed when they collapse. Wait to see what attendances they get if they dont feature in the top 10. Their 'long suffering fans' as David Moores called.......

Oh come off it - they have history!!!!!! - and it looks like they are going to need it. I was speaking to a few dippers at work in the week and they really have fallen for it hook line and sinker - they think Woy will get they back into the top 4 because other clubs will buy their cast off like Babel for huge fees and they can rebuild in a matter of weeks... LFC are fast becoming a laughing stock but as with most things scouse it will take forever for them to catch on.
nmc said:
Ntini77 said:
I can see Liverpool finishing 10th this season.

My god I hope you are right.

lol, i can see P&O. Ryanair and easyjet reporting a huge drop in profits as 10 to 15,000 plastic Irish scouse decide to sack it and profess to the world that they were never really fans anyway ;-)

As i said to one last night out here in SA, your history means fuck all! Your history happened because of the wealth you had and now your skint, you will suffer just like the rest have had to!

Happy days ;-)
A decline couldn't happen to a more deserving fanbase. When you have a contemptuous, sneering attitude of entitlement based on past glories, that you are among the elite and that is simply the natural order of things and how dare anyone challenge you - then you are asking for a fall, and you can't be surprised when people revel in it.

Second only to the rags in the disdain list for me. They might see themselves as a 'iconic' club in some way but they don't represent anything positive for me. Fuck them, fuck their 'history', fuck their cunty classless fanbase with pretensions of being somehow classy or unique, fuck everything their vile club professes (with lofty, bombastic hubris usually) to stand for. Just fuck 'em.

Enjoy being an irrelevance for the next long while Liverpool, you'll not be missed.
Liverpool fans - long suffering - I´ll get me fookin violin out - if that´s suffering I´d gladly be a footie masochist for the rest of my days instead of having been one simply by just being born in a particular place and time AND having to show fortitude in the face of years of ridicule. The dippers and the scum deserve to swallow shit inperpetuity imo for their sheer fookin arrogance
i think the only way he'll stay there is if there is a takeover, a bloody quick one at that.
can you imagine liverpool without torres, gerrard and machiano. as a poster said, 10th.
de niro said:
i think the only way he'll stay there is if there is a takeover, a bloody quick one at that.
can you imagine liverpool without torres, gerrard and machiano. as a poster said, 10th.

I wouldnt say as low as tenth , however even with gerrard and torres last season they still played like headless chickens . No doubt if liverpool lost mascherano , gerrard and torres they would re-invest heavily . But the majority of the money will go to the debt . But the reality is all three wont leave , i predict gerrard will stay as he will feel harsh on his boyhood team if he leaves but I have no doubt macherano will leave and so will torres as if you were staying you would have said it already wouldnt you
Captain Spyro said:
Whatever happens, I just hope that it works out for Torres and Liverpool. When I first started following football, LIverpool was my first club. I've kinda lost my passion for the team for various reasons, but I still love em and hope they regain their form; just not at the expense of City.

Saying that, read somewhere saying that Liverpool will black Torres from leaving, considering he signed an extension and hasn't been at the club as long as Gerrard has.

Oh, and hello to all! ^_^

Welcome mate, hope you're time with us is happy and hassle free ;)
blueinsa said:
Come on Nando....you know you want to ;-)

Stay with the dippers, no money, shit squad, going nowhere? NO!

Sign for Chelsea, again an ageing squad and the risk that Terry will shag every female relation you have? NO!

Sign for us, great squad that will only get better, a team with a real future and one that real top players the world over now want to sign for, despite interest from the so called elite of world football? YES!


It's not Nando !! It's Vernon. ;) Nando is a dipper term for him..
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