FIFA Clubs - Were Not Really Here (ps3)

cityspud said:
il be on at 11 lads should be a mad game tonight :]

I dont think we will have a game tbh we will just be having ero and TFS kicking the crap out of each other
erocsevil said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
cant wait to play them, give free kicks away at your peril with rick/splash about cause he's good at them. eroc will soon realise he cant just run threw players, i think we'll win 5-1 tonight.

Your just a 1st class **** (Fill in your own abusive word). You think your awfully hard behind a computer screen dont you. ITS a fact that know1 on our team like you. EVERYONE is glad your gone. To say you'd bang me makes you sound like a **** (Fill in your own abusive word again). You ever mixed with murderers and rapists??? Didn't think so! Maybe you should meet me outside the boo camp and tell me you'd like to bang me! To say your not a big girl about a computer game, yet the one that whinged everytime someone missed the goal. I'm not the one being described as a mard by everyone on our team.

Dan, just for the record, please quote word for word the message i sent you, cos i know what it was.

"on the floor" "ffs splash on the floor simple threw ball" "how many times splash". "Ud" "ffs ud" hahaha :).

p.s rapists are usually the ugly, rancid looking type, you wont be hard to spot ;) one likes me, boo hoo. suprised you aint taken your ball home, i bet you got bullied at school.
Hahahahaha, ero at it again. God help him. Ero you can't accuse anyone for being a internet warrior, you're the foking definition of it, constantly gave me, pie and markb sly digs because we kicked you for being quite frankly.. shite. Get over it, it's a game and we're all blues at the end of the day; how a game of FIFA winds you up god knows what you're like when City lose.
im not getting on tonight lads cos im knackerd and got a match tomorow so i dont want to be falling asleep on my line lol. Good luck with the games will be on tomorrow x

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