Fifa to clamp down on City and Chelsea business model

It's not just City, in this case.

There are far too many quality players, around Europe, either not playing football, or being plucked from their natural environment & farmed out to god knows where, rather than being used or developing naturally.

Look at Jason Denayer v City. He went from being one of the most sought after young defenders in Europe, to a busted flush, joke figure at relegated Sunderland, when we owned him. Now he's comfortable against Sergio Aguero, in the Champions League & better in possession than our fullbacks in the game.

He may have seen some nice facilities at City, & he was successful in two of his loan periods, but his natural progression, would have been straight through into the Champs League at Bruge or Anderlecht or similar, as a kid, maybe on to Ajax or PSV & then Spain or UK. And he would now be a better player, with that background imo.
Reading your post, some ignorant reader might think Denayer was forced to join City, and FIFA is freeing poor players from the shackles of evil CFG. Sounds like a proper Spiegel article.

The reality is youngsters will have fewer ways to choose from, lesser opportunities to get good contracts etc. It's their choice that is being limited in favour of some G4 clubs with B teams (Madrid, Barca, Juve).

It all seems too prescriptive for me: surely this is a restriction of free trade?
That's my perception as well.
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Reading your post, some ignorant reader might think Denayer was forced to join City, and FIFA is freeing poor players from the shackles of evil CFG. Sounds like a proper Spiegel article.

The reality is youngsters will have fewer ways to choose from, lesser opportunities to get good contracts etc. It's their choice that is being limited in favour of some G4 clubs with B teams (Madrid, Barca, Juve).

That's my perception as well.

Denayer was conned into signing a new deal, at City, when he was in the same position as Sancho; about to become a free agent, & sought after all around Europe (& a full international).

He was promised a place in he first team squad, then dumped, because Demichelis' transfer didn't go through & Pellegrini chose to look after him, rather than honur the agreement with JD. It's to his credit that he doesn't bring this up, when asked about his time here.

Youngsters won't have fewer choices, more will just choose to stay where they are, rather than come to City or Chelsea, or like Sancho, sign here, but walk out when they have used our facilities & training for a few years & move to clubs where they can get games.

It's then upto City, to gain a reputation for bringing through young players, like we used to have. Or others will benefit where we lose out.
Denayer was conned into signing a new deal, at City, when he was in the same position as Sancho; about to become a free agent, & sought after all around Europe (& a full international).

He was promised a place in he first team squad, then dumped, because Demichelis' transfer didn't go through & Pellegrini chose to look after him, rather than honur the agreement with JD. It's to his credit that he doesn't bring this up, when asked about his time here.

Youngsters won't have fewer choices, more will just choose to stay where they are, rather than come to City or Chelsea, or like Sancho, sign here, but walk out when they have used our facilities & training for a few years & move to clubs where they can get games.

It's then upto City, to gain a reputation for bringing through young players, like we used to have. Or others will benefit where we lose out.
Class post

Still kind of angers me how pellegrini kept demichelis and mangala ahead of denayer ffs
Hopefully, in the long term, clubs are forced to start producing some of their own players & that should be helped by the fact that the 'top' clubs won't be able to keep an extra 25 each off the market every year.

Some of those will instead be playing football for their home clubs, or move to play elsewhere, rather than being held back.

The current ex City academy kids playing in the Prem, all left early, to sign for clubs who played them.
“Forced to start producing some of their own players”. That’s what the Academy aims to do now, you can’t make a chicken salad out of chicken shit. Young footballers develop at different stages of their career, it’s impossible to know which kids will make it. City take on big numbers, give them an education they wouldn’t get anywhere else and give them the best football facilities so they have a chance.

The odds say they won’t make the senior team but they have the best development to earn a living in the game.

The Premier League is almost an International league, if restrictions mean Clubs have to put more homegrown players in the squad the level would drop and so would the International interest, the result being less revenue for Premier League Clubs, Bayern, Barca, Madrid and Juve would love that.
Effect the scum worse they keep players till there well over 21 we make a decision to loan them out very early just because we bring our lower age groups up a year or 2.
Class post

Still kind of angers me how pellegrini kept demichelis and mangala ahead of denayer ffs

I wish him the best at WHU, because he did win a title (& I like WHU) but imo he has pretty much ruined what was set up in City's academy & we are now pretty much starting from scratch under Pep.

But Mangala is another example of why this is a good rule, imo, because we chucked money at that situation, because we could, & it's helped neither us, nor the player.

The loan system has been safety net, for clubs to sign the wrong players.
“Forced to start producing some of their own players”. That’s what the Academy aims to do now, you can’t make a chicken salad out of chicken shit. Young footballers develop at different stages of their career, it’s impossible to know which kids will make it. City take on big numbers, give them an education they wouldn’t get anywhere else and give them the best football facilities so they have a chance.

The odds say they won’t make the senior team but they have the best development to earn a living in the game.

The Premier League is almost an International league, if restrictions mean Clubs have to put more homegrown players in the squad the level would drop and so would the International interest, the result being less revenue for Premier League Clubs, Bayern, Barca, Madrid and Juve would love that.

The odds at City currently say, not one of them will ever make the first team. Perhaps Foden will change that & turn it into one.

That's not 'chicken shit' players, it's a lousy academy system.
The odds at City currently say, not one of them will ever make the first team. Perhaps Foden will change that & turn it into one.

That's not 'chicken shit' players, it's a lousy academy system.
I think the Academy staff would be devastated to think someone calls their system lousy, that’s very harsh.

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