FIFA/UEFA Investigations

Funny. There was no contract for these "services" of 2 million euros paid 9 years late. They are both going down for this.
president bid

The Football Association says it is suspending support for Michel Platini in his bid to become Fifa president.

Uefa president Platini, a former France captain and manager, is being investigated over a £1.35m payment he received from Sepp Blatter in 2011.

Blatter, the outgoing president of world football's governing body, is under criminal investigation over the payment. Both men deny any wrongdoing.

The FA made its decision following a Uefa meeting on Thursday.

Blatter and Platini, along with secretary general Jerome Valcke, are serving 90-day suspensions imposed by Fifa's ethics committee, which is investigating the three over corruption allegations.

An FA statement read: "The FA wishes Mr Platini every success in fighting these charges and clearing his name, and has no interest in taking any action that jeopardises this process.

"However, notwithstanding the above, at the Uefa meeting on Thursday, the FA learned more information relating to the issues at the centre of this case from Mr Platini's lawyers.

"We have been instructed that the information must be kept confidential and therefore we cannot go into specifics.

"As a result of learning this information, the FA Board has this morning concluded that it must suspend its support for Mr Platini's candidature for the Fifa presidency until the legal process has been concluded and the position is clear.

"A decision can then be taken on who to support in the presidential election on 26 February 2016."
Tells you all you need to know if they withdraw support based on what Platini's own Lawyers told them. Bent fucking baguette.
According to the German magazine Der Spiegel the German World Cup was bought with black money. There existed an unofficial pot of money, 6.7 million euro, which was used to buy the votes of the 4 Asian representative, for the decision where the world cup should be held. Franz Beckenbauer and the current president of the German FA (DFB) Wolfgang Niersbach knew about this. The money came from Robert Dreyfuss, deceased former president of Olympique Marseille, and funny enough the very same guy who lent Uli Hoeness the money for his stock business in the Switzerland, which eventually sent him to jail for not having paid the tax. According to Der Spiegel Dreyfuss at one point asked to get his money back, and then the German FA devised a discrete payback via FIFA, so no one noticed.

Off course all the involved parties decline to comment, but this story is developing.

The fuckers are all corrupt. All of them. It is with great pleasure I see the bombs going off nearer and nearer to FC Bayern München (Beckenbauer is honoral president there), and seeing this Dreyfuss character involved everywhere, I am asking myself if there is more than just tax evasion to the Uli Hoeness story. He was very fast to admit everything and go off to jail. Was he protecting something a lot bigger? Someone should investigate the finances of Bayern München if you ask me.

Oh did I mention that Franz Beckerbauer last week in Kitzbühel where he lives had Tokoy Sexwhale as guess, and promoted this guy as the next FIFA president. Sexwhale is know to be an old mate of Blatter ... Somehow Beckerbauer seemed to know that the German FA would be supporting the sexy whale, all though nothing official had been said, and all though Franz holds no position in DFB.
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According to the German magazine Der Spiegel the German World Cup was bought with black money. There existed an unofficial pot of money, 6.7 million euro, which was used to buy the votes of the 4 Asian representative, for the decision where the world cup should be held. Franz Beckenbauer and the current president of the German FA (DFB) Wolfgang Niersbach knew about this. The money came from Robert Dreyfuss, deceased former president of Olympique Marseille, and funny enough the very same guy who lent Uli Hoeness the money for his stock business in the Switzerland, which eventually sent him to jail for not having paid the tax. According to Der Spiegel Dreyfuss at one point asked to get his money back, and then the German FA devised a discrete payback via FIFA, so no one noticed.

Off course all the involved parties decline to comment, but this story is developing.

The fuckers are all corrupt. All of them. It is with great pleasure I see the bombs going off nearer and nearer to FC Bayern München (Beckenbauer is honoral president there), and seeing this Dreyfuss character involved everywhere, I am asking myself if there is more than just tax evasion to the Uli Hoeness story. He was very fast to admit everything and go off to jail. Was he protecting something a lot bigger? Someone should investigate the finances of Bayern München if you ask me.

Oh did I mention that Franz Beckerbauer last week in Kitzbühel where he lives had Tokoy Sexwhale as guess, and promoted this guy as the next FIFA president. Sexwhale is know to be an old mate of Blatter ... Somehow Beckerbauer seemed to know that the German FA would be supporting the sexy whale, all though nothing official had been said, and all though Franz holds no position in DFB.

I would fucking love it if Bayern got caught doing something seriously dodgy. Sick of seeing them and their wanker fans riding the high horse of self righteousness.
Almost a sweet as seeing it happen to the scum IMO :)

Apart from the rags being on our doorstep, I fail to see a difference between the two clubs. Both of them are arrogant beyond belief and both of them are supported by a bunch of self satisfied, entitled cunts. They really are the German rags.
Apart from the rags being on our doorstep, I fail to see a difference between the two clubs. Both of them are arrogant beyond belief and both of them are supported by a bunch of self satisfied, entitled cunts. They really are the German rags.
My thinking exactly, proximity is the only difference

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