Fighting your demons - When life holds a gun to your head...

Sorry for your troubles mate, as someone else says life has ups and downs and sometimes we get strength from strange places, I worked in NHS for 5 years and after looking at how people manage especially with sick kids I thought my life isn't so bad

I have had some low points, 15 years ago I made decision to turn life support machine off on my dad - I was eldest son and family left it to me, I walked out on other half and our 1 year old son as she was cheating on me and never home while I worked 12 hour shifts (didn't see son for year after) he is 14 now and me and him get on great, mum died of cancer 3 years ago this November

Stay strong for yourself and your family, be there even if they say they don't need you and they are ok just always be around if possible, nip in for tea/coffee/chats etc

good luck in future mate
Markt85 said:
gazhinio said:
Sorry to hear about your problems pal!
Unfortunately, we all have many ups and downs in our lifetime...I sometimes think there are more downs myself but hey-ho!
I had to face up to a gambling addiction over 3 years ago and was not in a good place!
Stopped gambling (to a certain degree!) and have a wonderful baby girl, nice wife, great house etc
Still doesnt stop me feeling down almost every other day and this includes me worrying about other peoples problems (ie family,wife etc)
Good to talk to other people about your problems though, although it sounds like your dad needs specialist advice/help asap!!!!
Good luck young man!

How did you stop your gambling addiction mate ?

i blew alot on stupid bets lately and starting to wonder if im addicted, im feeling sh*t about it

If you want to speak in private Mark pm me and I will also speak to you over the phone if you like?
Before I give you my two penneth worth so to speak, I do not preach anti-gambling like alot of ga members seems to bang on about...the way I see it is nobody frogmarches you into a bookies or casino to lose your wages etc!
Ga members generally feel they have a disease or an illness so to speak....I dont!
What I will say is this...gambling can lead you to many dark places and apart from rob you of your hard-earned can also rob you of your precious time and which can impose on your job and more importantly your family!
If you think your addicted to gambling then the chances are you probably are!
And I also havent beaten my gambling addiction..never will!
Like I said pal, pm me and we can have a chat if you like!
gazhinio said:
Markt85 said:
gazhinio said:
Sorry to hear about your problems pal!
Unfortunately, we all have many ups and downs in our lifetime...I sometimes think there are more downs myself but hey-ho!
I had to face up to a gambling addiction over 3 years ago and was not in a good place!
Stopped gambling (to a certain degree!) and have a wonderful baby girl, nice wife, great house etc
Still doesnt stop me feeling down almost every other day and this includes me worrying about other peoples problems (ie family,wife etc)
Good to talk to other people about your problems though, although it sounds like your dad needs specialist advice/help asap!!!!
Good luck young man!

How did you stop your gambling addiction mate ?

i blew alot on stupid bets lately and starting to wonder if im addicted, im feeling sh*t about it

If you want to speak in private Mark pm me and I will also speak to you over the phone if you like?
Before I give you my two penneth worth so to speak, I do not preach anti-gambling like alot of ga members seems to bang on about...the way I see it is nobody frogmarches you into a bookies or casino to lose your wages etc!
Ga members generally feel they have a disease or an illness so to speak....I dont!
What I will say is this...gambling can lead you to many dark places and apart from rob you of your hard-earned can also rob you of your precious time and which can impose on your job and more importantly your family!
If you think your addicted to gambling then the chances are you probably are!
And I also havent beaten my gambling addiction..never will!
Like I said pal, pm me and we can have a chat if you like!

cheers mate, if it gets any worse i promise you i will

at this moment in time, i have no intention of walking in a bookies ever again, but i have said this to myself time and time again, especially hits me on my lunch break when im walking by them or when i have got spare cash.
gazhinio said:
Ot course we remember the bad times ie relatives dying, losing jobs etc!
I take it you have never had bad times then?
Not having a go at you pal, it just seems strange someone could disagree that we all have bad times in our lifetimes....or do you mean how we cope with the bad times and just get on with life?
If thats the case I suppose you have a valid point!

I'm not disagreeing with you in the slightest. Deaths in the family, personal ill health and being viciously beaten up hang in my mind more than good deeds or City winning something.
gazhinio said:
Sorry to hear about your problems pal!
Unfortunately, we all have many ups and downs in our lifetime...I sometimes think there are more downs myself but hey-ho!
I had to face up to a gambling addiction over 3 years ago and was not in a good place!
Stopped gambling (to a certain degree!) and have a wonderful baby girl, nice wife, great house etc
Still doesnt stop me feeling down almost every other day and this includes me worrying about other peoples problems (ie family,wife etc)
Good to talk to other people about your problems though, although it sounds like your dad needs specialist advice/help asap!!!!
Good luck young man!

so that's why you were so bloody good on wednesday...
JoeMercer'sWay said:
gazhinio said:
Sorry to hear about your problems pal!
Unfortunately, we all have many ups and downs in our lifetime...I sometimes think there are more downs myself but hey-ho!
I had to face up to a gambling addiction over 3 years ago and was not in a good place!
Stopped gambling (to a certain degree!) and have a wonderful baby girl, nice wife, great house etc
Still doesnt stop me feeling down almost every other day and this includes me worrying about other peoples problems (ie family,wife etc)
Good to talk to other people about your problems though, although it sounds like your dad needs specialist advice/help asap!!!!
Good luck young man!

so that's why you were so bloody good on wednesday...

Dont have the fogiest what your on about??
A good piece of advice is only to worry about the things you can change not the things you can't.

You can't afford to let things that you've got no control over swamp you. Also while you obviously want to be there for other people, the most important person is you.

Sadly you can do nothing to change the outcome of your gran's illness, as upsetting as that may be.

You aren't going to get your parents back together and, from the sound of it, your mum has made up her mind. Just accept it.

Your dad needs professional help. You can't babysit him 24 hours a day but by all means encourage him to get help and support him.

As far as your job is concerned, work is a great way to take your mind off domestic things. I guess you're in a vicious circle at the moment with life affecting your work, which in turn makes you feel worse.

Easy for me to say but try to generate more enthusiasm if you can but if you really can't then try to find something else.
Your job is a good thing mate be happy with it for time being, don't take it for granted.

Put your arm round your Dad tell him you love him and take him to see City!

Spend as much time with your Gran and be positive she will make it to christmas!!!!

Tell your mum what yout think of her mate and tell her she needs to respect all your Dad has done for the family and while it is her decsion to break up and thats fine she should realise she has been very lucky to have him. (My parents are breaking up aswell).

Enjoy the good times at City to help take your mind of things, don't turn to booze and enjoy your life as much as possible. Hope it works out as best it can mate.

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