First footage of police cracking a few skulls.

The Fat el Hombre said:
Nice one OP that cheered me up

Policemen will probably get fucked over and the chav scum will probably get fat insurance payouts, though

And thats whats majorly wrong with our justice system. Cops need to be able to use force and baring in mind whats happened over the past few nights you can't blame them for using it.

About time some of these twats get knocked about - they think its fine to burn, steal etc so in my eyes its fine for the police to boot them into next Sunday.
dennishasdoneit said:
Gaudino said:
Can't beleive there are lentil knitters here feeling sorry for them.....a slap with a baton is the least they deserve...

The Yanks get many things wrong, but shooting looters on sight isn't one of them.

If they want to avoid getting 'suppressed' it's easy......don't go out looting or rioting.

its ok to shoot the dirty non-working chavs cos they take what isn,t do you feel about the nice well dressed mps fiddling thier expenses and taking what isn,t theirs..just because some crimes are laid out in front of us and involve a certain class of people doesn,t make them any worse than others.

hazel blears has got a bloody cheek slagging off the looting-the same salford mp who made a "mistake" and dipped into her savings to pay what she,d stolen back and kept her job..people looting on the streetrs don,t have savings and don ,t have a fooking job-go on hazel-cos we,ve all forgotten about you haven,t we ,you thieving hypocritical woman. fook you.

You are right about Hazel Blears, but Hazel Blears is not at the moment running through Salford torching cars and bricking windows. We now do not have the time or inclination to discuss politics when there is a very serious chance of complete and utter anarchy if this is not nipped in the bud now. The only way is to ensure anyone involved in this is given summary treatment, the likes of which is now being discussed on here, whether it offends sensibilities or not.
We can worry about it leading to police violence being indiscriminate or unnecessary, or any of the presumed social problems, when it is again safe to walk the streets, or conduct a legitimate business in safety.
This would not escalate to these levels in France or the USA and most other liberal democracies; force would have been employed far earlier, as perpetrators quickly realise what the consequences are.
lee-mcfc said:
This thread isn't going very well..but i must admitt yeah smack him(they deserve it!) but when he's on the floor didn't need to continue

yeah, and when the window was through they didnt need to carry on looting.
im sick of all thisbollocks.
people have been slagging the police on the riot threads all night, moaning that they have done nothing.
now they give a bit out and its another slagging for doing too much.
if i was a copper id have gone to town on the little cunts. showing no respect earns no respect. if they want to act like animals they will be punished as such.
goatinho said:
where is it?
That looks like the new flats at the top of Langworthy Road to me. But it could be anywhere really, a lot of new flats look the same.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:07 am --<br /><br />
LongLang said:
lee-mcfc said:
This thread isn't going very well..but i must admitt yeah smack him(they deserve it!) but when he's on the floor didn't need to continue

yeah, and when the window was through they didnt need to carry on looting.
im sick of all thisbollocks.
people have been slagging the police on the riot threads all night, moaning that they have done nothing.
now they give a bit out and its another slagging for doing too much.
if i was a copper id have gone to town on the little cunts. showing no respect earns no respect. if they want to act like animals they will be punished as such.
For me, there's no boundaries of where to stop when beating these cunts!
citysince88 said:
If this is what makes people feel better then our society is in deeper shit than we think.

if they want to play armies, get mobbed up and go out destroying and looting our cities shops and dignity, they deserve the apposing force.

ever heard the saying all is fair in love and war.
they are big enough to rob, loot and riot. but as soon as the man comes around they are kids again? fuck off

and for the record, if i found out it was my kid doing any of this id beat the shit out of them too!!
but my kids will be raised right, and know right from wrong. not like these little fuckers
Blue Punter said:
As I put in my post...

We have no idea what those on bikes have been up to for the last few hours.

If they'd torched a residential block or committed something more serious than looting or general disorder, I fully support it.

If you look closely, it appears they apprehend someone next to the fence. I don't think it was just a case of let's crack a few skulls. I think there's more to this incident.

Then again, we've only watched a 90 second snapshot.

of course there's more to it....the police have spent most of the night using various tactics to push/force the rioters into smaller contained groups.

I wouldnt be surprised if this lot had been split from the main group by police looks like the police pulled off a perfect pincer move tbh.

pushed the idiots down to one end of the street where another group of officers steam in to apprehend

i would have thought police comms would have been used, the police definitely didnt just turn a corner and find these kids riding towards them, it was a police operation
About time some footage started to come out showing the police doing their jobs

Anyone who bleats on like citysince88 about it being wrong needs to get a grip, people like you are part of the reason the country is in so much shit. Every single person seen looting last night should have had a baton to the legs and dragged feet first in the back of a cop van then given a good going over out of sight
fulabeer said:
What people also have to remember is that the police are normally out numbered in rioting situations.
This means they cannot follow the normal procedure for arrest and detain.

In Salford, there is a greater chance that these scum are armed to the the teeth.
Not just with knives, but guns as well.
I've just seen a police car battered with rocks and bricks (on TV). Those inside must have been terrified and in real danger. They were only trying to do their job.
But someone will still moan at the levels of "police" violence in this video.....sad sad people.

Sounds like this man speaks from bitter experience...the police come from the same backgrounds as you and me, are human beings like you and me, and feel emotion the same as you and me.

Imagine being dropped in the heart of the riots - these scrotes chucking everything they can at you, the sole intention of hurting anything in uniform, including the fucking fire brigade and ambulance services who are trying to help!!

It must be terrifying. We all know what its like when it kicks off in town on a normal Saturday night, a small pocket of violence...its frightening at that level - imagine 200 tooled up youths armed with bats, bricks and anything they can lay their hands on coming at you, and you know that if you go down, they will be on you like a pack of hyenas and your family will probably be burying you....

I'm sorry, but everyone of these feral thugs on the streets made a concious decision to actively participate in this violence on our streets, not just in Manchester but everywhere. They must face the consequences of their actions - probably the first time in their miserable lives that they have had to do so. Starting with a little 'dissuasion', and followed by a lawful punishment. I hope the Government feel the same.

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