First footage of police cracking a few skulls.

Skashion said:
Let's even put aside the matter of guilt for the moment, which seems to be irrelevant to some unfortunate utter degenerate twats on here, and let's assume guilt. The guy gets off his bicycle, he's surrounded and outnumbered and clearly not resisting arrest at that point. Whatever he might have done earlier is now completely irrelevant. Police are no different to the rest of us. They are required to use only the force necessary to make an arrest or protect themselves from attack. It is then up to the courts to convict if there's sufficient evidence and the policeman or woman gets their salary rather than stand before the judge - assuming they carried out their job properly. That's how it works and that's how it should work. If not, why don't we just dispense of an ourselves of an expensive court system, prison system and policing and just have mob and counter-mob and save ourselves a bundle in taxes?

Something else about how it works: an individual is assumed to be responsible for their own actions and nobody else's. A lot of people are arguing for arbitrary beatings (and let us assume that a beating is legitimate punishment - which it isn't) or what has laughably been labelled 'summary justice' (which is an actual legal term with a specific meaning and is being raped here to make the person sound authoritative) predicated on the notion that an individual within a mob (who may only have been a spectator) is now considered responsible for arson, looting etc. to make an example or so forth. That is collective punishment and has no justification whatsoever in law in any civilised country. It is even banned in wartime occupation under the Geneva Convention. So plenty on here would be war criminals if they ever carried out their words in a wartime situation. Fortunately I suspect it's just hot air coming from internet hardmen. There's been a lot of that over the past few days. If they come to our town they said (when they were in London and it was easy to say), I'm rounding up the boys. When they did come to your town it changed to, if they come out again tomorrow I'm rounding up the boys, meanwhile they continued posting on Bluemoon even as the riots were unfolding. Fortunately, your blushes seem to have been spared by Manchester's propensity to rain.

I can dig it!
I knew it wouldn't be long before the young Malaysian getting his bag rooted through whilst he nursed a broken jaw, or the three lads mowed down, or the 68 yr old bloke left to burn next to the fire he had tried to put out and been beaten into a coma for - would pale into insignificance compared to a riot cop giving some scrote, a few well aimed baton cracks on the arms and legs.

It was always going to happen once the hue and cry died down and the usual suspects resurfaced and turned the debate on it's head by branding everyone else morons hiding behind some poxy notional drinkers degree that they like to tell everyone about to appear more valid.

Internet forums are pervaded by these types because no one listens to them in real life.

To my mind, a few hooded up suspects were on bikes are riding down Jutland Street away from the NQ after an orgy of violence and destruction, they were being chased and they were headed off and caught. A couple got a few cracks in extraordinary circumstances. Big fucking deal. They weren't back the night after. Job done.
Skashion said:
Let's even put aside the matter of guilt for the moment, which seems to be irrelevant to some unfortunate utter degenerate twats on here, and let's assume guilt. The guy gets off his bicycle, he's surrounded and outnumbered and clearly not resisting arrest at that point. Whatever he might have done earlier is now completely irrelevant. Police are no different to the rest of us. They are required to use only the force necessary to make an arrest or protect themselves from attack. It is then up to the courts to convict if there's sufficient evidence and the policeman or woman gets their salary rather than stand before the judge - assuming they carried out their job properly. That's how it works and that's how it should work. If not, why don't we just dispense of an ourselves of an expensive court system, prison system and policing and just have mob and counter-mob and save ourselves a bundle in taxes?

Something else about how it works: an individual is assumed to be responsible for their own actions and nobody else's. A lot of people are arguing for arbitrary beatings (and let us assume that a beating is legitimate punishment - which it isn't) or what has laughably been labelled 'summary justice' (which is an actual legal term with a specific meaning and is being raped here to make the person sound authoritative) predicated on the notion that an individual within a mob (who may only have been a spectator) is now considered responsible for arson, looting etc. to make an example or so forth. That is collective punishment and has no justification whatsoever in law in any civilised country. It is even banned in wartime occupation under the Geneva Convention. So plenty on here would be war criminals if they ever carried out their words in a wartime situation. Fortunately I suspect it's just hot air coming from internet hardmen. There's been a lot of that over the past few days. If they come to our town they said (when they were in London and it was easy to say), I'm rounding up the boys. When they did come to your town it changed to, if they come out again tomorrow I'm rounding up the boys, meanwhile they continued posting on Bluemoon even as the riots were unfolding. Fortunately, your blushes seem to have been spared by Manchester's propensity to rain.

Precisely. After a night of chasing these scumbags around our city, seeing them trash and burn and steal from shops, the police showed their human side and gave the lad a crack. I'd have done the same, like many others would have.
PistonBlue said:
Precisely. After a night of chasing these scumbags around our city, seeing them trash and burn and steal from shops, the police showed their human side and gave the lad a crack. I'd have done the same, like many others would have.
Then you'd be arrested, and rightly so. Being pissed off is not carte blanche to initiate violence. I hope this police officer ends up in court.
Skashion said:
PistonBlue said:
Precisely. After a night of chasing these scumbags around our city, seeing them trash and burn and steal from shops, the police showed their human side and gave the lad a crack. I'd have done the same, like many others would have.
Then you'd be arrested, and rightly so. Being pissed off is not carte blanche to initiate violence. I hope this police officer ends up in court.

I hope he gets a medal.

And you're correct of course, I'd be arrested. Whilst the young looter would get a caution.

Which is why we have this situation in the first place, they can do what they want and nobody can stop them. And they know it.
PistonBlue said:
I hope he gets a medal.

And you're correct of course, I'd be arrested. Whilst the young looter would get a caution.

Which is why we have this situation in the first place, they can do what they want and nobody can stop them. And they know it.
Then you should argue for the severity of sentencing to be changed, not to give the lad not resisting arrest a pointless but selfishly satisfying crack. I don't even get the point of what people are saying here. Give him a slap and that'll change what exactly? Will that wake him up and realise he's got to change for the better? Will he now become a valuable member of the community as a result of a few smacks with a truncheon? A short stint in prison might though when they compare themselves to real criminals. Of course, it might also give them an education in criminality but I'm still standing by the legal system rather than arbitrary violence as a better way forward.
Skashion said:
PistonBlue said:
I hope he gets a medal.

And you're correct of course, I'd be arrested. Whilst the young looter would get a caution.

Which is why we have this situation in the first place, they can do what they want and nobody can stop them. And they know it.
Then you should argue for the severity of sentencing to be changed, not to give the lad not resisting arrest a pointless but selfishly satisfying crack. I don't even get the point of what people are saying here. Give him a slap and that'll change what exactly? Will that wake him up and realise he's got to change for the better? Will he now become a valuable member of the community as a result of a few smacks with a truncheon? A short stint in prison might though when they compare themselves to real criminals. Of course, it might also give them an education in criminality but I'm still standing by the legal system rather than arbitrary violence as a better way forward.

I've read reports that claim that if you punch anyone in the face, the chance of that person ever committing a crime is reduced by 80%. More so if it's a little baby, a girl or a gay.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've read reports that claim that if you punch anyone in the face, the chance of that person ever committing a crime is reduced by 80%. More so if it's a little baby, a girl or a gay.
True, but it rises to 100% in gingers. Whenever I beat on a ginger I'm thinking of the good of the community.
You probably would get arrested but that shouldn't be a problem as prisons are like holiday camps these days so you've nothing to fear on that front.<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:43 pm --<br /><br />
Skashion said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've read reports that claim that if you punch anyone in the face, the chance of that person ever committing a crime is reduced by 80%. More so if it's a little baby, a girl or a gay.
True, but it rises to 100% in gingers. Whenever I beat on a ginger I'm thinking of the good of the community.

Bit liberal, I often attack pregnant women in order to prevent the criminal from ever being born.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Bit liberal, I often attack pregnant women in order to prevent the criminal from ever being born.
Aye, I use a pre-emptive approach and attack them during sex. Some people claim this is rape but they don't know what they're talking about. I'm about serving the community.

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