First footage of police cracking a few skulls.

TCIB said:
ElanJo said:
Blue Punter said:
We've viewed a 90 sec snapshot of what at first glance appears to be police brutality.

However, given the circumstances of the last few days it has to be viewed in a different context. We have no idea what those on bikes have been up to for the last few hours.

If the message is that the police are getting tough and reclaiming the streets, it's a price worth paying.

It's not for the police to dish out punishments (beatings). There is no context that makes the above ok.

At the very least, you are innocent until proven guilty. Force may be needed to restrain someone but this was not the case in the vid. What we see there is illegal and those on here loving the fact he's getting smacked about will be the first to cry when the scrote presses charges.

It is EXACTLY the riot polices job to dish some out, you thing they put all that clobber on for a night on the town ?.
It is not the primary function, but they are riot police and they are called that for a reason.
Just because when you see this vid they are not doing anything does not mean they didn't do something prior in the city.
Just because you disagree doesn't make you correct.
Those police were obviously being talked onto that group of looters/rioters by a command and control or eye in the sky.
I would suggest they had done something deemed worthy of that focus and attention.
They were on their way home and thought they got of scot free, but they didn't make it and got a slap, which is exactly what they deserved at minimum.

Lets face it the chances are discipline is not doled out when they get home.

The fact they tore the city to shreds gives perfect context for the polices actions. If you agree or not is irrelavent, the context was there and the vast majority of people would nod and say good at seeing it.

Sorry, but Riot police cannot break the law.

It does not matter whether he had done something or whether the police were being led by a Heli. And your suggestions mean shit.

I'm correct because I am correct, not because I disagree.

Just because the kids may not have been punished to your liking by their parents it does not mean the police can dish it out

Jesus fucking Christ, this is like talking to a child...
goatinho said:
ElanJo said:
Blue Punter said:
We've viewed a 90 sec snapshot of what at first glance appears to be police brutality.

However, given the circumstances of the last few days it has to be viewed in a different context. We have no idea what those on bikes have been up to for the last few hours.

If the message is that the police are getting tough and reclaiming the streets, it's a price worth paying.

It's not for the police to dish out punishments (beatings). There is no context that makes the above ok.

At the very least, you are innocent until proven guilty. Force may be needed to restrain someone but this was not the case in the vid. What we see there is illegal and those on here loving the fact he's getting smacked about will be the first to cry when the scrote presses charges.
so in this case ,when there is a full scale riot going on manchester , arnt police innocent untill proven guilty?

Yes, Derp, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but err... the evidence is right in front of your eyes and it's pretty conclusive.
The rioters have little chance of being cough and prosecuted and they use this to their advantage. Same goes to the riot police.

Beating them in this case is not right. If the cops were attacked then they should fight back. Randomly ( it looks like it ) attacking people does not solve anything.
So your a criminal lawyer then yes ? since you are so sure you are right.
I mean to be so sure suggests a deep understanding of the law, even with all these variables and lack of information.

My opinion may not mean shit to you but id put a 20 on it that 90% would agree with me here that they deserved what they got.

The police didn't think "silly lad doesnt have a strong dominant father figure at home ill do the honours".
The police gave them the good news because they were rioting, which without stretching the imagination you could attribute to parents not looking out for their kids.

The seeming fact the police were led on to the group requires resources to do so and if they were innocent then the police would not have bothered using the already streched resources to intercept them.

You have a view/opinion not irrefutable facts and proofs about the event just as nobody else here does, you are not correct.

You only have your interpritation of events. Did they hit them, yes, was reasonable force used, who knows how that would be interpreted if it did go to court.
Captain Kompany said:
ElanJo said:
Blue Punter said:
We've viewed a 90 sec snapshot of what at first glance appears to be police brutality.

However, given the circumstances of the last few days it has to be viewed in a different context. We have no idea what those on bikes have been up to for the last few hours.

If the message is that the police are getting tough and reclaiming the streets, it's a price worth paying.

It's not for the police to dish out punishments (beatings). There is no context that makes the above ok.

At the very least, you are innocent until proven guilty. Force may be needed to restrain someone but this was not the case in the vid. What we see there is illegal and those on here loving the fact he's getting smacked about will be the first to cry when the scrote presses charges.

Kids out on bikes in the sark with hoods when there has been rioting a short distance awat in the city centre? Fuck that. Guilty until they can prove that they are innocent I say. Anyone seen out at that time should be suspected of the worst and treated accordingly. If they aren't responsible they are let go and they can consider their bruises are for the greater good of society by allowing police to use these tactics. Well if they don't use abit of additional force the little scrote won't learn his lesson.

I see that "Balotelli the Bull" is back.Oh joy!
TCIB said:
So your a criminal lawyer then yes ? since you are so sure you are right.
I mean to be so sure suggests a deep understanding of the law, even with all these variables and lack of information.

My opinion may not mean shit to you but id put a 20 on it that 90% would agree with me here that they deserved what they got.

The police didn't think "silly lad doesnt have a strong dominant father figure at home ill do the honours".
The police gave them the good news because they were rioting, which without stretching the imagination you could attribute to parents not looking out for their kids.

The seeming fact the police were led on to the group requires resources to do so and if they were innocent then the police would not have bothered using the already streched resources to intercept them.

You have a view/opinion not irrefutable facts and proofs about the event just as nobody else here does, you are not correct.

You only have your interpritation of events. Did they hit them, yes, was reasonable force used, who knows how that would be interpreted if it did go to court.

I know enough about the law to be able to be pretty sure that what happens in the vid is not lawful. You're just jibber-jabbering on about irrelevant bollocks, like resources, parents and Helicopters.

And who gives a crap how many people here would agree with you that he got what he deserved. Anyway, you can read the thread for yourself to find out that it isn't the case that 90% agree with you.
"Irellavant bollocks"

Could you explain how possible circumstances that led to that video could possibly be irrelavant lol.
Explaining that the police seemingly used a coordination of resources dedicated at that time to catch them is irrelevant is it ?.

In your head an opinion with little to no facts about the event is an absolute regarding possible legal issues.

"i know enough" i.e. you have no legal training or knowledge besides what you discern from reading papers or other media. Yes i can see how that backs up you assertion that you are "correct" how silly of me.

You have a view thats all, you have nothing to back your opinion up with.

I see the vast majority of posts here atm are in favour of them getting a clout and two or so have a differing view point.

But thats the beauty of debate, we can agree to disagree :)
For those who are saying why are people happy about this.... it is good to see because we want a police force to enforce the law but recently we have never seen any of it. Imagine if it was your baby in that car the other night and thugs threatened to burn it, or it was your business and home that they have ruined. They have ruined peoples lives
citysince88 said:
If this is what makes people feel better then our society is in deeper shit than we think.
Don't be so soft leftie. Seen enough innocents having their lives ruined this last 4 nights so to see a few of the twats who've ruined those lives lose a few teeth by way if truncheon has proved very easy viewing this Wednesday morn!

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