First footage of police cracking a few skulls.


citysince88 said:
If this is what makes people feel better then our society is in deeper shit than we think.

Well I don't normally condone violence, but the anger I feel after what these mindless thugs have done to our City, their City, I certainly don't give a shit at those police giving them a kicking!!
TCIB said:
So your a criminal lawyer then yes ? since you are so sure you are right.
I mean to be so sure suggests a deep understanding of the law, even with all these variables and lack of information.

My opinion may not mean shit to you but id put a 20 on it that 90% would agree with me here that they deserved what they got.

The police didn't think "silly lad doesnt have a strong dominant father figure at home ill do the honours".
The police gave them the good news because they were rioting, which without stretching the imagination you could attribute to parents not looking out for their kids.

The seeming fact the police were led on to the group requires resources to do so and if they were innocent then the police would not have bothered using the already streched resources to intercept them.

You have a view/opinion not irrefutable facts and proofs about the event just as nobody else here does, you are not correct.

You only have your interpritation of events. Did they hit them, yes, was reasonable force used, who knows how that would be interpreted if it did go to court.

Seems like we will not know as the lad was allowed on his way after retribution was dished out. I'm an advocate of sending a strong message but clubbing a couple of lads on a side street wasn't what I had in mind I'd rather see then just pile into a big group of them and batter them in full view of a few other scroates, this just smacks of (perhaps understandable) frustration from the dibble
TCIB said:
"Irellavant bollocks"

Could you explain how possible circumstances that led to that video could possibly be irrelavant lol.
Explaining that the police seemingly used a coordination of resources dedicated at that time to catch them is irrelevant is it ?.

In your head an opinion with little to no facts about the event is an absolute regarding possible legal issues.

"i know enough" i.e. you have no legal training or knowledge besides what you discern from reading papers or other media. Yes i can see how that backs up you assertion that you are "correct" how silly of me.

You have a view thats all, you have nothing to back your opinion up with.

I see the vast majority of posts here atm are in favour of them getting a clout and two or so have a differing view point.

But thats the beauty of debate, we can agree to disagree :)

Yes, exactly. It is irrelevant. Have you forgotten what you're arguing about?

It doesn't matter whether the police used a helicopter, what the parenting was like etc. when arguing over whether what we see is excessive and illegal.

If I had legal training would you suddenly change your mind? This is fallacious, just because I do not have a degree in Law it does not follow therefore that all I have is a completely baseless opinion.

I repeat, it does not mean shit how many agree with you. Hell, if you want to go down that road, just look at the company you keep. You've got a wum who calls for eugenics and a bunch of people whose only response is to spout false dilemmas
Maybe they will have a nasty bruise on the thigh but thats it. For what they were doing thats not that bad. So they ride home with a sore leg boohoo.

You do talk drivel ElanJo.
What looks like brutality is suppressing tactics.
Those scrotes were probably throwing stuff at the coppers further up the street. When chased, they probably rode off laughing.
What they didn't know was they were being surrounded.
When caught, they are suppressed with force to subdue and confuse them.
This is a safer way for the coppers to arrest/detain them.
Rioting is different from normal policing conditions, so different tactics need to be used.

But of coarse some loony here will argue their rights.
Yes it is brutal, but these people of limited intelligence only understand direct action.
Being prosecuted has little effect and in some cases a badge of honor.
This isn't police suppressing protesters. These scum are opportunist thieves and thugs.
They are taking advantage of the "lack" of direct action/consequence.

It doesn't take long for these dicks to get the message that they will be caught and "suppressed".
Believe me when I say it isn't ideal, but it is a price worth paying to keep order.

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