Fish And Chips

Wholetail Whitby usually went in my basket in Asda.

I’ve become so much more food orientated in recent years. Eating well is great.
Be careful being veggie though because meat and fish provide certain vitamins and trace elements(and high protein) that none meat and fish food doesn't contain. I had a nate who was total vegan for over 30 years. Bumped into him in a pub a couple of years ago and I hadn't met him in almost 30 years. We got chatting and I asmed if he's still a strict vegan. To my surprise he said he turned pescatarian several years back because he felt he wasn't eating enough protein as his skin had turned pale and salow. He looked healthier than when I saw him years ago tbh.
No fishmongers next door mate, it was opposite the market hall but I think that closed getting on for 30 years ago.
that would be Trinity Street then not Grosvenor Square? Grosvenor Square, which now appears to be called grosvenor house square (thanks google maps) used to be little shops, and at the far end from the town centre was a fishmongers and a chippy next door. Fuck me this is testing my memory :)
The best fish and chips I've ever had was on a P&O Cruise Ship... Iona

They have a fast food outlet called the Quays and they did the fish and chips with mushy peas and curry sauce... Absolutely sensational ... went back a few times and had it

We're on the sister ship Arvia next month now SWMBO has been cleared to travel and can't wait to see if it's as good
Its got to be said they are pretty good + you can go back and get seconds
that would be Trinity Street then not Grosvenor Square? Grosvenor Square, which now appears to be called grosvenor house square (thanks google maps) used to be little shops, and at the far end from the town centre was a fishmongers and a chippy next door. Fuck me this is testing my memory :)
Correct, on Trinity Street next door to a butchers. Grovener Square had several shops. Left hand corner was a newsagent, next door was a cafe or cobblers, my memory isnt too sharp sometimes. There was also a hairdressers, a continental shop selling weird foreign foods I'd never tried back then. And one or two other shops I can't remember. The chippy was in the right hand corner diagonal to the newsagent.
Correct, on Trinity Street next door to a butchers. Grovener Square had several shops. Left hand corner was a newsagent, next door was a cafe or cobblers, my memory isnt too sharp sometimes. There was also a hairdressers, a continental shop selling weird foreign foods I'd never tried back then. And one or two other shops I can't remember. The chippy was in the right hand corner diagonal to the newsagent.
yes indeed, the newsagents was known as "Geds'" in my time, his missus was a right dragon. I remember the continental shop too, was very exotic in those times

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