Flat Cap Mike

Hi. I am Flatcap Mike. I have just read your post from 2018 about me, and the responses. Yes, they were fun times, giving my "honest" opinions. Piccadilly gave me airtime, which I liked to use to good effect. The reason that I stopped calling in to the show is that an ex rag player, who shall remain nameless, was in the studio and got my number then passed it on to his son, who called the show sometimes, called himself "Malaky" He proceeded to ring me up at shitty times giving me grief. Also he would call my house phone, knowing full well that I was at the match, and would be abusive to my girlfriend, said he would come around and "sort her out". One day he called me but forgot to block his number. So I got the dibble involved. They tracked him down, interviewed him then and asked me if I wanted to press charges. I said "no" as long as he stopped harassing us. Thankfully I never heard from him again. So any rumours that I have ditched my blue shirted heroes are false mate. And yes, the reason that I was given the moniker of flatcap Mike was to do with me having a pop at the then manager AB. There were two "Mikes" that called in before and after matches. The other was Mike Peck. So Piccadilly used it to know which one it was. So...there is a update for you.
Flatcap Mike,so nice to hear from you. You are a blue legend. Oh the good times back in the day with Stannage and you made for compulsive listening. Hope your well mate.
Good to know you're still around,and also still a blue !
I thought it was Tommy Doc that christened you " flat cap " or maybe stannidge or both !
every time you were on you gave as good as you got,and boy did we need some defending back then !

I remember you always got on and had a laugh with Tommy Doc,I think I remember once him volunteering to help us out in the dark days ,after Harftord ,Coppell and Phil Neal etc a lot of alcohol under the bridge for me and the 90's are a bit hazy for me.
Up the blues.
Hi mate. Yeah I used to enjoy the chats with the "Doc" I remember after the summer break one season. He was on the show and I said to him that he had let me down on a pre-season treble bet. I said that I had bet on Robin Day, the Queen Mother passing away, and I lost because he hadn't. It took him a few seconds to twig it, but he laughed and took it in good spirit, bless him.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. CTID
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Hi mate. Yeah I used to enjoy the chats with the "Doc" I remember after the summer break one season. He was on the show and I said to him that he had let me on a pre-season treble bet. I said that I had bet on Robin Day, the Queen Mother passing away, and I lost because he hadn't. It took him a few seconds to twig it, but he laughed and took it in good spirit, bless him.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. CTID
Yep I remember you and the Doc chatting away. Great show. I called in and contributed too but you were different class mate. I hope you’re going to be posting regularly on here but duck down on the match day forum .. it’s gets a tad heated haha
am 100% nolan was a so called leeds fan back then. but was always at city games ? nolan loved a crowd to play in front
Worked with the plank in the earlier 90s at the CIS sorting office. He supported Leeds when they were champions and then started following United. One described Paul Redmond has the next Beckenbauer
Worked with the plank in the earlier 90s at the CIS sorting office. He supported Leeds when they were champions and then started following United. One described Paul Redmond has the next Beckenbauer

nolan is a chameleon changes colours in a flash. i could imagine him being a internet star if he was around today
boy he knew fuck all about fuck all but could talk for hours about fuck all

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