Foden video

Just a question for the walk away, turn the other cheek, be the bigger man brigade.

How far do you let wankers push it before you grow a pair of bollocks.

Everyone knows the best way of handling a situation until they end up in a situation.

Lecturing everyone on the correct way of doing everything is a staple of those who live their lives through their internet connection.
I get your point Bill, but I suspect the Police and Security would have enough on their hands. By the time they'd arrive, who knows what might have happened?

Those scumbags were the problem and to be honest, the focus should be on them. They literally wanted to film him and humiliate him - simple as that. Unfortunately for them, his Mum got involved and one of them is obviously quite happy cracking women a lot smaller than he is. I'm sure it's something he will come to regret seeing as the video is all over social media - something him and his appalling friends were trying to do in the first place. He deserves everything he gets.

Foden has done nothing wrong.
“I’ve got all that on video” says the prick at the end. Yeah, and that video will probably be used as evidence against your dickhead mates you thick twat!
My view, not that it’s worth anything.
Those chaps I imagine will have been on at foden/his family for a while before that video starts. They are the ones 100% in the wrong. They were looking for a reaction and they got what they came for. It’s not as simple as closing the door and hoping they would go away.
In hindsight yes maybe his mum could have handled it a little bit better but I think she was sticking up for her lad and who can really blame her for that. I’m the heat of the moment we aren’t always thinking rationally and she did what she thought was right.

Foden has done nothing wrong and is the victim in all of this. He’s young and he’s still wants to go out. He wasn’t on the razzle and is fairly restrained looking at that footage. He was watching a sporting event. He wasn’t in a nightclub or strip club.

But fuck me his mum can take a punch. I would definitely have been down or at least had a standing 8 count. She didn’t even wobble.
Fair fucks to her I say - she’s certainly got a better chin than Amir Khan!

I awoke to 42 notifications this morning, so it’s clear I touched a nerve with what can only be considered a “sweeping generalization.” My apologies.

I was trying to relate my experiences, having grown up in and around Manchester and still being a frequent visitor. In doing so, I have offended some top class, lawful, upstanding citizens of a great, historic City I still call home, even though I live elsewhere atm. Again, my apologies.

Yesterday was a bit of a shit day and I was posting at the end of it. I may have ventured into hyperbole or, as I said, negative overgeneralization.

To anyone offended, or who felt included merely by dint of their heritage, that is unforgivable. You deserve better, esp from someone who knows better. Accordingly, I will endeavor to do better.

As a FOC, who looks on wistfully from afar, it is easy to say ”Ah, the good old days…” but I’m reminded that some of those were not so good, either.

Everywhere has its good and bad, both places and people, but one of the things that will always be true of Mancs is their ready sense of humor, willingness to lend a hand, and “salt of the earth” qualities that other places could learn from. In short, there ARE bad apples, but the barrel is very large and the bad apples are very few in number.

Again, my apologies for creating offence through my poor choice of words and generalizations. I will endeavor to do better.
Well you've offended me now with the use of FOC...think we've got a couple of years yet to hit that title. ;)
You ask an American to pronounce it ; )
Their misuse of whole words plus their curious use of prepositions many of which get adopted by people over here is worse than a single letter be mispronounced.
This thread alone has a good example in the misuse of 'entitled'. Several times people who are certainly not entitled are described being 'entitled'.
Why do people always adopt what Americans of all people say and do ffs?

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