Food & Service Issues 2014/15 (merged)

Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

No matter what progress we make both on & off the field it appears we just can't make progress with the catering inside the stadium.
We just can't...
Last night I queued for the full 15 minutes at half time as a I fancied a cup of coffee.
When I finally got to the counter to be served I was told 'there is no hot water' so not hot drinks,
No tea, coffee, hot chocolate, Bovril or anything.
How difficult can it be to have hot water ?
So we ended up ordering 2 bottles of diet coke & one bottle of water.
'That will be £8.10p' said the assistant!
Thank fuck I wasn't paying.
The club need to sort this out. A man who knows far more than me on these things reckons a top notch catering manager
would do the trick and increase sales & revenues of the food within the stadium.
Overall pretty piss poor in reality.
Re: New Season - New Food

Why Always Ste said:
In short:

This is the club justifying its over priced menu.
So even though there's supporters whining about the price of the food all over forums and on City Voice, the club have decided to make the food sound better rather than lowering prices.

When a club sets up a vehicle for fans to have a say - you know the club no longer cares what the fans have to say.

It's known as the kettling of complaints and suggestions.
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

I gave up on half time refreshment years ago. It's just not worth it. If I want anything I get it pre-game. I don't bother at ours or any other ground.
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

I thought I was lucky last night, walked straight up to the bar just before half time and got served right away.

Unfortunately I asked for three bottles of Heineken and the girl started pouring them into plastic pint pots. I asked why she was pouring them into a plastic pint pot from a plastic bottle & her manager came over and said that's the rules...the girl continued and took ages, as she was tipping the beer too quickly and waiting for it to settle down. There was about 15 in a queue behind me by the time she'd finished.
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

I queued up for 10 mins pre-match before giving up and then 10 mins at half time before giving up.
I got to the front on both occasions but was repeatedly ignored by the morons behind the counter.
The beer is crap and a rip off anyway so they probably did me a favour.
Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

Burtonrdblue said:
I don't drink so I don't give a fook!!

How do you survive - ?? - water is the staff of life.!! loL
Re: New Season - New Food (merged)

Yeah, I never buy stuff at half time. I've already paid loads to be there. I don't want to miss half the second half spending more money. If I'm that desperate for food or drink, I'll bring it from home.
Re: New Season - New Food (merged)

We could ask the Sheikh to buy us a few of these to alleviate the problem ! (Preferably with Strongbow though please)

Re: Buying a Beer (Another Shocking Service Thread)

BlueAnorak said:
I tore what little of my hair out at half time yesterday. I got out of entrance 302 to join the bar queue just as the HT whistle went. There was already a 10 deep queue and it took 13 fucking minutes to get to the front and get served.

Just fuck, fuck, fucking fuck, How fucking difficult can it fucking be?
It's fucking simple:
[1] Have one person on a till. They take your money and give you a ticket with a number on it.
[2] Have the rest pouring the beer / getting ready the order and calling the number when it's ready.

You don't need fucking pouring machines you just need a system that works for the inept who work behind the counters - most of whom are clueless in the operation of a till.

And if the club is going to do fuck all about the shit service it could at least put the match on the Tellies so we don't miss the game.

Thank you. I feet better for that.

The same pay/ticket system they use at the bar in the Squash Club ..... it works, so why not use in the stadium ...?

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