Football fan or City fan

Fair play to people who can sit and watch any game but it’s never been for me. I watch City and that’s it really.

Could not give a rats arse about Everton v Villa or Oldham v Stockport or whatever.

My mates ex worked for Wolves and we went to see them play v Spurs once. Bored the living shit out of me.

And it’s not a new era City / Pep thing. I’ve always been like that.
People need to remember we existed before the genius Pep and we will exist after
No matter how shit we played in the past I watched city and will post Pep
Just loving this at the moment !!!
City are the best on the planet
Never thought I would witness another trophy after 76
Now I can’t event count them!!!!
Both but I think they go hand in hand, even when we was shit it was both. I'll watch any football match if it's on, well actually I'll contradict myself now and say international football hasn't got the pull for me like it used to.
Fair play to people who can sit and watch any game but it’s never been for me. I watch City and that’s it really.

Could not give a rats arse about Everton v Villa or Oldham v Stockport or whatever.

My mates ex worked for Wolves and we went to see them play v Spurs once. Bored the living shit out of me.

And it’s not a new era City / Pep thing. I’ve always been like that.
I think in part it's a generational thing and also it's the price of havibg such money in the game. We all have to love football first because without it there is no City. Fans come to be City fans for all sorts of reasons and at different life stages and I say welcome and the more the merrier. I grew up in late sixties/seventies and at age of 6 (1970) I knew I was a blue. Can't remember why as my parents or family had no interest at all. I loved thegame and City was my team. Back in those days football on telly was limited so you devoured as much of it as you could as well as the papers. So supply was limited but also the game and teams/players were presented with the respect and fairness they deserve. There was a wider spread of teams coming in the top 4 or winning the title through the 70's including us, LIvArpool, Everton, Derby, Arsenal, Leeds, Ipswich, West Brom, QPR, Forest, even the rags. Plus every team not mentioned above had a star player, e,g Channon, Currie, Hudson, Chivers, MacDougall, Greenhoff, Supermac Tommy Hutch, etc.
So I Found it easy to be a proud blue but watch and at times admire other teams and players (although always hating rags). Plus, crucially, there were no responsibilities of having a family or a job, mortgage etc.
Then the money comes in all over Europe and of course the treasure chest of the PL. That's when my love for City actually increased in inverse proportion to my love of watching the game. It seemed the fairness of the 70's was gone where a good team can challenge and after the first teething years, an entrenched top 4 established themselves. Of course, the origin really was in the so called "big 5" in 83 - that and keeping gate receipts for the Top division heralded the age of greed. I think a lif over fans of my vintage become firmly locked in the City bubble whilst in Div 3. How could it not be when the rags are on the way to the treble and we are going down to bloody Wycombd and getting beat.
So now, with my family and real life intruding on my time plus the incessant and vicious campaign against us from the print and social media whores means I pretty much only watch City now. Its absolutely not to do with other teams being poor (I'm very surprised blues are taking that angle. You can find done thing good to watch in most games and buts of skill, drama dtc so I think that's something of an entitled view). I find it hard to watch any other PL games because I hate the fuckers. That's what their greed and nastiness has done - it's stopped boyhood football fans being able to fully enjoy the sport they love.
He’s a lot to answer for that Pep, watching a group of kids on the park yesterday afternoon having a game, 8 on each side, aged about 10-13 and couple of occasions heard one of the goalies getting a bollocking for just hoofing the ball as far upfield as he could, getting told to pass it to teammates near him. Not like when we were their age hoof it and chase it.
They all want to pass it out from the back now , which is brilliant. Football should be like this.
Love City first.

Still love football but it's harder to watch since Pep turned us into the best team in the world. England last night for example, no one willing or capable to ping it into Phil in a tight space, makes you realise how far ahead we are.

I tend to watch teams that I know are going to play good football like Brighton or evenly matched games (even if they're both shit, like Sheffield United-Everton last week).

I tend to watch a lot of United, Arsenal and Liverpool but that's because I'm rooting for the other team.
City fan.
Couldn’t care less about any football unless it involves the rags or scousers losing.

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