For everyone that left before FT y/day...

I'm not gonna throw insults around like some but I really don't get why peple leave early, obviously there's plenty who find it difficult to walk etc. but there's no way all of the people who start to stream out on 85 mins at every game need to go, if you park a 10 minute walk away from the stadium you'll be out in no time even if you stay to support the team for a whole 5-10 minutes extra.
Pisses me off when the family stand gets all the bad press,i pretty much stay till the end in most games and cant understand why you would leave early yesterday,but its not only the family stand its mainly all around the ground,i sit in the family stand because i take my family not because i am a wet arsed plastic,now leave the family stand alone.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
If you leave you miss being part of stuff like this.


Ps the family stand looks as full as anywhere else .
I'll never quite understand it (health reasons aside).

My Dad used to want to do this all the time when he used to take me as a kid. That changed when i kicked up a fuss and he stayed right unil the end of the FA Cup game against Coventry when Goater scored a header in stoppage time.

But his excuse was always 'to beat the rush'. To me it just seems like a lot of trouble to go to a game and then leave when it's 2-2. Like to me, as i don't live in Manchester, going to the game is a big deal. I don't drive, so i have to do a bit of planning, and because i use the train, it costs a bit of money aswell. So it's just a lot of effort and money to spend on something for me to not to stay til the end.

Maybe, i could understand leaving if the game is wrapped up and we've gone into 'keep the ball, rest the players' mode, but even then i find it odd. Yesterday was baffling. I know it's down to personal choice and leaving early doesn't make you any less of a fan. I just find it a bit odd. Like leaving the cinema before the films ended, or never listening to the last song on an album, or coming home from your holidays a day early.

Midweek games are probably a different kettle of fish because of train times, but Sunday afternoon just baffles me a little bit. Not a knock no you if you did leave early, it's your choice. I just can't get my head round why you'd want to, when the game is like it was yesterday.
ono said:
I'll never quite understand it (health reasons aside).

My Dad used to want to do this all the time when he used to take me as a kid. That changed when i kicked up a fuss and he stayed right unil the end of the FA Cup game against Coventry when Goater scored a header in stoppage time.

But his excuse was always 'to beat the rush'. To me it just seems like a lot of trouble to go to a game and then leave when it's 2-2. Like to me, as i don't live in Manchester, going to the game is a big deal. I don't drive, so i have to do a bit of planning, and because i use the train, it costs a bit of money aswell. So it's just a lot of effort and money to spend on something for me to not to stay til the end.

Maybe, i could understand leaving if the game is wrapped up and we've gone into 'keep the ball, rest the players' mode, but even then i find it odd. Yesterday was baffling. I know it's down to personal choice and leaving early doesn't make you any less of a fan. I just find it a bit odd. Like leaving the cinema before the films ended, or never listening to the last song on an album, or coming home from your holidays a day early.

Midweek games are probably a different kettle of fish because of train times, but Sunday afternoon just baffles me a little bit. Not a knock no you if you did leave early, it's your choice. I just can't get my head round why you'd want to, when the game is like it was yesterday.
Sensible post, take note other Bluemooners.

You don't have to be a prick to make sense.
I also find it odd, but who knows, people make their own choices I guess.
Few people over reacting a bit on here. I made my way to the steps at 90 mins and watched extra time on the steps - must've been stood on a lucky step or somet :) What would've happened if I stayed in my seat and not on the the lucky step.....we might not have got the penalty, who knows?
I was driving back when my scarf fell off the dashboard. I thought "I womt pick it up" as its been on the dashboard for a few weeks now and not been particulalrly lucky. Then we got the penalty and scored. It's all down to my scarf and me leaving early that we got the 3 points!
Prestwich_Blue said:
jimmy grummble said:
My mates 73 year old father left with 8 mins to go due to the fact hes had a heart op about 2 yers ago and finds the crowds too much, plus a walk to where we park takes us 10 mins takes him 20.
Not being funny but what's he doing going to games then? My old fellow used to go regularly but he wouldn't do it these days. Or why not wait till the crowds clear.

I don't normally comment on people that leave early but I couldn't believe it yesterday. I was so emotionally drained yesterday I just stayed in my seat for about 5 minutes after the whistle went. I just didn't want to leave.

What a condescending bag of bollocks PB !
So I suppose you want to ban all supporters with disabilities,the likes of myself who cannot get out of the house on a regular basis,just because they feel the need to leave a football match earlier.

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