For everyone that left before FT y/day...

ono said:
I'll never quite understand it (health reasons aside).

My Dad used to want to do this all the time when he used to take me as a kid. That changed when i kicked up a fuss and he stayed right unil the end of the FA Cup game against Coventry when Goater scored a header in stoppage time.

But his excuse was always 'to beat the rush'. To me it just seems like a lot of trouble to go to a game and then leave when it's 2-2. Like to me, as i don't live in Manchester, going to the game is a big deal. I don't drive, so i have to do a bit of planning, and because i use the train, it costs a bit of money aswell. So it's just a lot of effort and money to spend on something for me to not to stay til the end.

Maybe, i could understand leaving if the game is wrapped up and we've gone into 'keep the ball, rest the players' mode, but even then i find it odd. Yesterday was baffling. I know it's down to personal choice and leaving early doesn't make you any less of a fan. I just find it a bit odd. Like leaving the cinema before the films ended, or never listening to the last song on an album, or coming home from your holidays a day early.

Midweek games are probably a different kettle of fish because of train times, but Sunday afternoon just baffles me a little bit. Not a knock no you if you did leave early, it's your choice. I just can't get my head round why you'd want to, when the game is like it was yesterday.

The train times yesterday had a BIG part to play they dont run as regular was an over 2 hour wait for me after the game till next one as i missed mine literally by 5 mins due to staying till the end so in a way i understand people wanting catch trains. I think people calling other city fans for this is wrong..
a few leave early who sit around me. they say they watch the last few minutes at the top of the stairs. then when the final whistle goes they have a quick getaway.

do they still show the game on the telly at the back? if they do i would have thought a few would watch it there and then go!
Never mind the people who leave early what aout the latecomers !
You could kick off at midnight and the fuckers would still be late.How many people do you see around the concourse having a late pint and then three times during a match I have to make way for them so they can have a piss.
deynaskaz said:
Pisses me off when the family stand gets all the bad press,i pretty much stay till the end in most games and cant understand why you would leave early yesterday,but its not only the family stand its mainly all around the ground,i sit in the family stand because i take my family not because i am a wet arsed plastic,now leave the family stand alone.
spot on mate!
Hate these threads, we all support the same team and want the same thong so get over it. What if a person who left 2min early yesterday also went to all European away games? Still a bad fan?
Took an neighbour of mine and ex-player (only 37) yesterday on my sons upgraded ticket as my son was not able to go. Question he asked was 'do you stay till the death?'
Well yes numb head..................!!!
On another note, he had a lot of insightfull things to say about the team, the performance and a couple of player positions, I will keep those to myself for the moment.......................??!!
There are many individually cited reasons in this thread that are perfectly reasonable ones for leaving early. One off things you need to get away for/disabilities etc. There will always be a few of those at every game.

However, the simple fact is that by the law of averages, the number leaving early simply cannot be just one off's / disabilities etc.

We've had this at City for as long as I can remember. Yes, it is one's personal choice to go when they want for whatever reason. Equally, the right to have an opinion on it is just as valid.

Mine is simply this ... if you go early especially in a tight game when the atmosphere can help the team without having a one off reason/disability etc then you should ask yourself some serious questions.

I saw loads of people streaming out y'day from about the 83rd minute. None of them were remotely disabled and all but a few looked in a rush to get somewhere more important. Those few rushing back for something arguably more important e.g. a family birthday party or wedding, a single train they cannot miss or the like who don't normally leave early will hang on to the last possible moment and then you usually see them giving it legs.
Why does this bother people? If someone wants to leave with a couple of minutes to go, so what? If someone is finishing off their pint at kick off, so what? If someone wants to get a pint at half time without joining the scrum when the half time whistle goes, so what? If someone wants a piss, so what? What the feck has it got to do anyone else?!!!
Danny Hoekman said:
Why does this bother people? If someone wants to leave with a couple of minutes to go, so what? If someone is finishing off their pint at kick off, so what? If someone wants to get a pint at half time without joining the scrum when the half time whistle goes, so what? If someone wants a piss, so what? What the feck has it got to do anyone else?!!!

Spot on.
By the way I was only making comparisons with latecomes and pissers by virtue of the fact that the ones complaing about early leavers are probably the ones who are the above.
I don't get the whole "people who leave early aren't proper fans" attitude. Do people not realise that circumstances dictate what people can and can't do.

I've been going for 30 odd years and yes, on occasions I have left early...not because we were losing, or because I wanted to beat traffic, but because I had to for one reason or another. It really isnt a big deal. (and yes I did stay till the end at Wembley Gillingham game).

Like others have said, I get irritated when the game has kicked off either at first half or after half time and I have to get up to let people pastwho have been finishing off their pint - are these people not proper fans because they prefered that last pint rather than the first 10 seconds of the match? Goal just as likely in those 10 seconds as the last 10 seconds but people don't deem it necessary to have a go about it, and I wouldnt dream of having a go at those people.

We're all blue after all so why have a go about fellow blues - I get enough stick from those down the road to need any from fellow city fans.

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