What am I going on about? The legislation that is now passing through Parliament.What are you on about? Where in my post did I mention Brexit, the Tories or what’s happening to the NHS. I just said it’s “treasured”, as in it’s treasured to me
It might be treasured to you as much as the idea of of fee healthcare is treasured by me, but it's on it's way out.
Healthcare in the UK is being privatised. The legislation is now passing through parliament that will rid the government of its obligation to provide a centrally organised heath system, a system that has been in place since 1948, and will divest it's obligations to locally run areas, managed largely by American healthcare companies, and has been a condition of our membership of the EU.
They will the have autonomy to decide how their money is spent, without acts of parliament snapping at their heals, and you can bet your bottom dollar they will take their profit before they consider leaking bowels or painful hips that need replacing.
Don't be fooled by NHS badges being worn by tory ministers or letters arriving with the NHS logo on show, we are now entering the age of privatised healthcare, and as I said, take an interest in the Health and Care bill now passing through the House of Commons.
The tories are in charge, and they don't give a shit about the NHS. They've been wined and dined by private healthcare companies for decades and their donations to the tory party are finally paying off.
I don't know how I can be more specific, but no matter how 'treasured' you feel about the NHS, it's on its way out.