Foreign Fans

shaiomarali said:
My heart thumps for City. I believe I was born to support City because no other team makes me go in the motions.

I have been supporting City for only 11 years so I'm relatively new to the team. I've worked, lived and studied in Manchester but only last year have decided to return home to my home country for a year off to give back what the country has given me. but next year I will again stay in Manchester for several more years.

I'm from Brunei by the way. I run a Manchester City Supporters Club here since 2002 but until now I am the only member :S

born and live in aston under lyne, a couple of miles from Gorton, Manchester,the spiritual homeland.

taking my 2 year old son tonight to his first game,i'm proud as fuck,his grandad is gonna be there with him too,3 generations and my grandad is gonna be there too looking down from above.

welcome to god's own you foriegn fans

History is now,and City.
mcfc2607 said:
shaiomarali said:
My heart thumps for City. I believe I was born to support City because no other team makes me go in the motions.

I have been supporting City for only 11 years so I'm relatively new to the team. I've worked, lived and studied in Manchester but only last year have decided to return home to my home country for a year off to give back what the country has given me. but next year I will again stay in Manchester for several more years.

I'm from Brunei by the way. I run a Manchester City Supporters Club here since 2002 but until now I am the only member :S


Bless him. Got this image in my mind of the AGM, sat there wearing a shirt on his own in a function room filled with sky blue balloons and uneaten vol-au-vents muttering 'Ah well, maybe next year......'
Good luck to the lad!
BlueHerts said:
Wheelsy said:
Like it matters?

It's always good to attract new fans, I always get impressed when I see new faces at the pub every week.

Good to see the Yank contingent get a run on the OS too: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ay-Blues-2</a>

And no Peter Crouch impersonators to be seen!


As the (admittedly rag) Ian Brown once said....'It's not where you're from, it's where you're at'

It doesn't matter, thats the whole point of the thread, to celebrate how city have influnced people as far a field as the far east and far west, even though we are not within the 'BIG 4', and i recent times not been hugely successful.

Why PICK a team, who on the face of things(Before 2 years ago), were unlikey to win anything more than the carling, or at a strech, FA cup.
Clubber said:
I like to see fans from Yankee doodle dandies and other places around the world on here, and find out why they started too support us, especially if it was before the money came rolling in. No matter where you are from, we have all benn through the hard times, and argued city were better than the rags, even when we were in the 3rd tier and they were winning the league.

I became a city fan because i live in manchester and my family are all city fans, so before i was born i was too become city fan. Yet people from around the globe support us, and unlike the rags, it isn't too be a glory hunter.

So if your not from england, or more specifically manchester, why did you become a city fan?

Edit - Is that better Brucie Bonus

I think I've posted this before, but...

I'd followed international football since the 1994 World Cup in the States, but kept hearing how much better club football was, so I decided to find a club to support. This was after the 2006 World Cup, so I ruled out United/Liverpool/Arsenal/Chelsea straight away. I wanted my club to be in a larger city where I wouldn't mind going to visit repeatedly. I wanted the club to have some history. And I wanted them to at least have a chance of threatening for some degree of glory down the road.

My short list consisted of: City, Everton, Villa, Newcastle, and Spurs

In the end, I chose City, because they reminded me of my favorite American sports team, the Philadelphia Phillies. They were perennial underachievers with a great supporter base who seemed to always expect things to go pear-shaped. Plus, I've been a longtime admirer of the Manchester music scene.

Then last year City were taken over by Sheikh Mansour and the Phillies won the title. So now I have to come to grips with supporting successful clubs. I guess that's a good problem to have...
Born in Canada in a small small town of 900 people. I was always a hockey fan but my friend persuaded me to start watching football so I did and the first match I saw was Manchester City vs. Boro where Elano scored that brilliant free kick. Thats what made me fall in love with City.
lovecityhateunited said:
why would they support city though? anyone who signed up to the blues b4 thaksin must need there heads checking. i have to say i don't like going to places like london and hearing southern accents in the city crowd as that's what i associate with u**ted. this is a local club for local people(local connections e.g father was manc, had to move for work etc.) don't want to offend any blues who don't live in manchester but if u dont live within say 30 miles of city i dont understand why you would do it to yourself. expat mancs r still mancs, southerners will always be southerners and therefore should follow a southern team.

As I explained in my post to this thread, I wanted a drama club like City, because I was used to supporting a baseball club with a similar past. Not everyone is a glory hunter. Some of us just wanted a real club to follow, and it didn't get any more "real" than City pre-Thaksin.
Started to follow City when SGE took over, and have gone from beeing an on and off follower to be absolutely mental about it, atlest thats what my family (i´m a dad going on 45) says. Biggest problem is not beeing able to go to the games, but me and my son is looking on flying in for a homegame to the spring.

Regards from Sweden!
1. born and reside in lincoln, nebraska USA
2. started to follow city when robbie fowler came. as he didn't all too often at times, i began to like other players like swp and just the club in general. soon i was up every saturday morning at work, getting updates of games and it has just snowballed.
3. only game i've been to was tottenham away, last match of season and of stuart pearce's reign. we lost 2-1 (had a blast tho), keane and berbatov for them before empenza got one back, all before half time.
4. forever blue

by the way i still follow fowler- now in Australia. but when he left city, i knew i couldn't. my whole outlook towards sports changed in terms of being a fan when i came into contact with man city. there is something that draws me to the club and i love being a blue and that will never change.

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