Frankie Boyle dumped by C4 for Paralympic comments

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
The cookie monster said:
Skashion said:
People who don't find him funny, ironically, are part of the reason so many do, because someone who doesn't believe what he's saying, can offend them enough to complain or be outraged and indignant. They're the people who are the butt of his jokes. The other reason people like him is because he's so fucking quick. Most comedians might spend a year or even two perfecting the same stand-up routine, which will be funny, and then film it. Frankie Boyle can do it off the cuff so he can post them every minute on Twitter or put down a heckler with absurd ease. I think Frankie Boyle is just about the only stand-up at the moment who could survive Whose Line is it Anyway. Possibly Jimmy Carr as well.
Trust me mate he just isn't funny.
Not one bit
And neither is jimmy Carr.

So he has to trust you that he isn't funny????

You should patent that trick, would make a mint!!

"These are not the droids you are looking for"
Carstairs said:
Skashion said:
Carstairs said:
...or think he's a ****. One or the other.
Anyone who's offended by him clearly isn't worth bothering about.

I'm not offended by him, it takes more than that to offend me!

I just think that taking the piss out of disabled children (for example) is a pretty cheap way to get laughs.

I don't find him that funny anymore. His appeal was the shock factor which became boring. But the jokes I've seen are funny. If he had attacked a specific disabled person then fine that is wrong as his jokes about Jordans son was.
But taking the mick out of a type of disability is fine. Just the same as taking the mick because someone is ginger etc.
It's gallows humour. Some people though get offended for the sake of it it appears
What the fuck did C4 think when they signed him up, have they not seen his material. The guy is controversial and anyone is a target for his "humour". If the Paralympics had been on BBC2 they wouldn't give a shit, they have only themselves to blame if they signed him.
PJMCC1UK said:
Carstairs said:
Skashion said:
Anyone who's offended by him clearly isn't worth bothering about.

I'm not offended by him, it takes more than that to offend me!

I just think that taking the piss out of disabled children (for example) is a pretty cheap way to get laughs.

I don't find him that funny anymore. His appeal was the shock factor which became boring. But the jokes I've seen are funny. If he had attacked a specific disabled person then fine that is wrong as his jokes about Jordans son was.
But taking the mick out of a type of disability is fine. Just the same as taking the mick because someone is ginger etc.
It's gallows humour. Some people though get offended for the sake of it it appears

This. This. This.

It wasn't comedy, it was downright nasty abuse. Whatever you might feel about Jordan, to make her severely disabled child a figure of fun is just plain wrong. It was inexcusable.

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