Fulham Post-Match Reaction

Given that the race for a top 4 finish was always going to be a tight finish and we have just dropped 2 points many would have expected we would get,I wonder where those people think we will pick up 2 unexpected points?

Perhaps we now have to beat Spurs when maybe a draw would have been the forecast.
mike channon´s windmill said:
matt_MCFC said:
So would you swap with Birmingham then. Win the Carling cup and fight relegation? Or be 3rd in the league, last 16 of europa and still in the Fa Cup? Oh and have the potential to be great?
The difference in investment should also count for something AND the fact that Brum were a Championhip side just 20 months ago. They´ll finish top 10 with that spirit AND they have Europa League to look forward to. They´ll end with a flourish no probs

Good for them
Re: The beginning of the end.....

K.Reeves right foot said:
Today's pathetic display by our overpaid merceneries for me spelled the end of Mancini's reign of this club.
Our chances of finishing in a champions league place died today for many reasons which go way beyond our current league position and points tally.
I willk find it staggering if the usual Mancini lovers can still have the opinion that he is the man to lead us forward despite today's overwhelming evidence that not only is our season sliding into a shambolic mess, but certain players simply DO NOT want to play for us. Worse still, Mancini has no idea how to inspire these players, change a team formation to pose different questions to the oposition during a game as he stands on the touchline like an undertaker, solemn and irrelevant.
Yaya, Balotteli, Boateng, Kolarov and Tevez simply have no desire to play for us.This was no more evident during the 2nd half when Zabs tried to gee up some effort for the lazy merceneries around him, the players weren't interested, they had their pay and simply looked disinterested.
And to those who still think mancini and these players can do no wrong, well, 40,000 fans at today's game spoke a thousand words with their silence, a crowd needs inspiration, needs to feel the team want to play for the fans, if not, the fans will not cheer them and today's complete lack of atmosphere for me was symptematic of the lack of feeling between the fans and these players and the manager. There is simply no love. Personallky i've never been more apathetic about my team than I am now. Apart from Kompany, Zabs, Hart, Dejong, Richards and Silva we have a collection of individual players, lured to our club by obscene ammounts of money and that could never work in building a team. No coincidence that 4 of the above players were out today.
Champions League is now unlikely, Mancini cannot survive a second season of ultimate failure, our owners won't stand for it.
I remember the bullshit excuses put on this board as to why the team wasn't flowing earlier in the season...the cries for our attacking fullbacks kolarov and Boateng....they would transfor the team....really? Kolarov is truly awful, I reserved judgement while he settled in but he simply cannot do the basics of defending and going forward he's generally ineffective. Boateng is NOT a right back, has no pace or skill going forward and like Kolarov cannot defend to save his life. Balotteli is lamentable, a player of such natural quality yet a heart the size of a pea.
The 'team' of average players of Birmingham City are about to lift a trophy high into the London night, their fans have silverware while our players are probably driving back to their luxury penthouses, in flash cars, wads of cash in their pockets...while us the fans are let down once again. To be frank, i'd rather be let down by crap players who although giving 100% just couldn't cut it, but being let down by talente players who didn't care is beyond acceptance.
I think today mancini lovers, you have to open your eyes and relise something is badly wrong at this club, this masterplan isn't working, this project is moribund in its current format.
Sadly we also need to realise we are not catching up the scum, they are miles ahead of us, and as things stand I can't see it changing. Why? Becasue when their scummy players pull their filthy red shirt on they are proud, when most of ours pull on the sky blue shirt that we would die to wear, it is a chore, a job, their is no love, no desire and no long term thinking in their minds.
Time to smell the coffee folks, Everton will in all liklihood put us out of the FA Cup [their team will simply want it more]. As for the Europa League...who knows...let's see.
I still love Man City, still work my arse off to pay for my tickets, but I don't love this team, some of them, most of them no. The worst thing about that is those players don't give a fuck either.
[Mancini lovers, try to refrain from Rag comments, expletives [SWP], excuses about needing time to gell, too many games, injuries bal bla bla...try to see reality..just try to be honest that the dream we all had that is turning sour.

You sound like a spoilt seven year old. 95% of football fans would swap with us right now.
We could have a thousand strikers, but if there's not creativity from the midfield in the form of Silva, they're all useless. Today proved that. We need another playmaker in the squad.

One reliable back-up for Silva I think can think of is Renato Augusto. Either we sign him in the summer, or we wait until Michael Johnson is fully fit. He's not the same type of player as Silva, obviously, but his passing and movement can feed the strikers from midfield.
Re: The beginning of the end.....

gordondaviesmoustache said:
K.Reeves right foot said:
Today's pathetic display by our overpaid merceneries for me spelled the end of Mancini's reign of this club.
Our chances of finishing in a champions league place died today for many reasons which go way beyond our current league position and points tally.
I willk find it staggering if the usual Mancini lovers can still have the opinion that he is the man to lead us forward despite today's overwhelming evidence that not only is our season sliding into a shambolic mess, but certain players simply DO NOT want to play for us. Worse still, Mancini has no idea how to inspire these players, change a team formation to pose different questions to the oposition during a game as he stands on the touchline like an undertaker, solemn and irrelevant.
Yaya, Balotteli, Boateng, Kolarov and Tevez simply have no desire to play for us.This was no more evident during the 2nd half when Zabs tried to gee up some effort for the lazy merceneries around him, the players weren't interested, they had their pay and simply looked disinterested.
And to those who still think mancini and these players can do no wrong, well, 40,000 fans at today's game spoke a thousand words with their silence, a crowd needs inspiration, needs to feel the team want to play for the fans, if not, the fans will not cheer them and today's complete lack of atmosphere for me was symptematic of the lack of feeling between the fans and these players and the manager. There is simply no love. Personallky i've never been more apathetic about my team than I am now. Apart from Kompany, Zabs, Hart, Dejong, Richards and Silva we have a collection of individual players, lured to our club by obscene ammounts of money and that could never work in building a team. No coincidence that 4 of the above players were out today.
Champions League is now unlikely, Mancini cannot survive a second season of ultimate failure, our owners won't stand for it.
I remember the bullshit excuses put on this board as to why the team wasn't flowing earlier in the season...the cries for our attacking fullbacks kolarov and Boateng....they would transfor the team....really? Kolarov is truly awful, I reserved judgement while he settled in but he simply cannot do the basics of defending and going forward he's generally ineffective. Boateng is NOT a right back, has no pace or skill going forward and like Kolarov cannot defend to save his life. Balotteli is lamentable, a player of such natural quality yet a heart the size of a pea.
The 'team' of average players of Birmingham City are about to lift a trophy high into the London night, their fans have silverware while our players are probably driving back to their luxury penthouses, in flash cars, wads of cash in their pockets...while us the fans are let down once again. To be frank, i'd rather be let down by crap players who although giving 100% just couldn't cut it, but being let down by talente players who didn't care is beyond acceptance.
I think today mancini lovers, you have to open your eyes and relise something is badly wrong at this club, this masterplan isn't working, this project is moribund in its current format.
Sadly we also need to realise we are not catching up the scum, they are miles ahead of us, and as things stand I can't see it changing. Why? Becasue when their scummy players pull their filthy red shirt on they are proud, when most of ours pull on the sky blue shirt that we would die to wear, it is a chore, a job, their is no love, no desire and no long term thinking in their minds.
Time to smell the coffee folks, Everton will in all liklihood put us out of the FA Cup [their team will simply want it more]. As for the Europa League...who knows...let's see.
I still love Man City, still work my arse off to pay for my tickets, but I don't love this team, some of them, most of them no. The worst thing about that is those players don't give a fuck either.
[Mancini lovers, try to refrain from Rag comments, expletives [SWP], excuses about needing time to gell, too many games, injuries bal bla bla...try to see reality..just try to be honest that the dream we all had that is turning sour.

You sound like a spoilt seven year old. 95% of football fans would swap with us right now.
Spoilt? By what? Incorrect term used their mate. I think you have failed to undertsand my core point, but with some posters it's pointless...just keep your head in the sand mate....
riggymcfc123 said:
The team was poor today, but....so were our fans! with ten minutes left and the score at 1-1 we should of been right behind them til the end, instead half the stadium decided to go home early! me and a few others behind me tried our best to get behind the lads, but...everytime we stood up singing some around us just turned around shaking their heads!! why do they fuckin bother!!!

Oh the joys of a complete end as a family stand, more corporate seats than we actually need right now and stewarding that has effectively got rid of an atmosphere.

Welcome to the new City, that is, as long as you have the cash!
Re: The beginning of the end.....

Bulldoglikeapproach said:
I think the players' lazy display today was down to fatigue. They just looked tired all day, and their style of play reflected that.

Me need our injuries to come back - the quicker the better - and get through this little patch of games every 3 days

Keep it in perspective - We are still in a great position to finish in the top 4 - that was the only goal at the beginning of the year. And, we're still in contention for two trophies - thats quite a bonus.

i have seen flashes of brilliance form this team, but every team has an off-day, especially with key players missing. just ask any arsenal supporter today. no fabregas = a loss to brum. we were missing arguably our 3 most important players (kompany, de jong, silva).

I'm not saying that I'm not nervous about top 4. but there is still plenty to come in this season.
An off day (singular); yeah. Every team does have them. But since Christmas/New year, there have simply been too many of them. Our run of results in 2011 certainly doesn't warrant a CL spot.
Since we got beat off everton we have won all of the home games that followed, 8 I think. Today was a minor blip, we didn't get beat, this is bound to happen through the law of averages. We couldn't have possibly gone on to win all of these upcoming home games, that would have been 14 on the spin. Let's just put this one behind us, move on and hope for a much better performance on Wednesday night!

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