Re: Am I just blind?
The bit I found really confusing about this whole MOTD debacle was that during their "analysis" of Liverpool's game they showed that games two possible penalty incidents and discussed them at length,
#1 Suarez goes down - no penalty & the comment "if he doesn't get a penalty for that he never will";
#2 Suarez could have gone down - again no penalty but the comments were angled to give the impression that this was PROOF that he doesn't EVER dive;
which, for me at least, obviously showed a slight pro-Liverpool agenda attached to the analysis, especially in light of the Rodgers' letter to the FA and loads of their players in the press saying he's unfairly treated ...etc.
...then at the end of the piece I'm pretty certain I heard Gabby Logan actually say something along the lines of "if you think those decisions were strange, just you wait" or "more on dubious penalty claims later" - obviously her words weren't quite as blatant as what I've just written, but she definitely said something to that affect.
...and then our game comes along and we all know what they showed and what their comments were after our game.
Just very, very odd.