Funniest thing you have heard at a match

Timmmmahhhh said:
I took my bird to her first City game a few years back (Ericssons first home game) and she seemed to be quite enjoying it....

About 20 minutes into the second half, after she appeared to actually be paying attention, she uttered the gem "Oh, have they swapped ends?"

I was ashamed....

Not a footy one but along those lines-air show in lowestoft 100 thousand people on the prom watchin the harrier jump jet do its thing,comes up the beach nods 2 the crowd..........then suddenly plummets into the sea-pilot ejects in time+is safe.
silence fer about 5 seconds+this woman in front says "was it sposed 2 do that?"i dont think they go in the sea do they?

99.999 people with thier heads in thier hands lol
DJRobb said:
In the early 90's standing in the Kippax and Mark Walters had the ball for the dippers, he was running at Terry Phelan who made a move as if to dive into the tackle, but stopped. Walters threw himself to the ground as if poleaxed.
The Kippax went nuts, but just as the noise died down a loud voice, clear as a bell shouted out " Walters, you lieing, cheating, nasty, little bl*ck bastard!"
Everyone around us went very quiet and looked around expecting the stewards to be right in there to eject the guy, only to see the blackest, tallest guy I have ever seen. He looked around very sheepish at all the blues staring at him and mutterd, "Sorry, was I being rascist!!" Everyone nearly collapsed and the stewards hadn't a clue what to do!!

pissed at that one,total classic lol
Funniest I ever heard was when Tommy Docherty had been caught shagging the united physios wife:

To the tune of "knees up mother Brown"

Who's up Mary Brown,
Who's up Mary Brown,
Tommy, Tommy Docherty,
Tommy, Tommy Docherty.
Going back many years, we were playing Burnley and were 5-0 up.

Burnley had this goalie named Rodney Jones and as he bent to collect a back pass this bloke shouted out "CAREFUL RODNEY,CAREFUL"

Jones visibly quaked and almost let the ball go past him for an OG
Used to sit next to a guy (he will know who he is) every time the 4th official would hold up a subs board and the players did not realise who it was, looking confused. He would stand up and shout " all 11 of you get off. You're all sh*t !"
a bloke last night at the scunny match his wife asked him who that lot are in purple behind the goal to which he replied thats where the season ticket holders sit

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