Game of Thrones - Season 6

I think this season has started poorly. Too much jumping from one character to the next and don't feel we are any further on than the beginning of the last season?

Would love to see it all end with a film rather than a series, the 'white walkers v dragons' battle is inevitable and would be so much better on the big screen.
Is it only 8 episodes this season? 3 in and hardly setting the world on fire yet. Now fully expecting more of the same week in week out until the last 2 or 3 episodes which will be epic. So far a bit disappointed. Not even much tit action.
is your friend..
Interesting theory ive heard today is that the Nights King (Head of the white walkers) is actually the deceased Rhaegar Targaryen and is Jon Snows father from the Rape of Lyanna Stark. Which is why they had that 'look' when they come into close contact north of the wall. It may also explain the kings blood that Jon Snow is meant to have according to Mellisandre and why his sword didn't shatter when fighting the White Walkers. Which would link to 'a song of ice and fire'

Add the theory that its 3 dragons for 3 Targaryens that could be Jon, Danny and maybe Tyrion. Jon maybe able to Warg from the Stark side and thus able to tame the problematic Drogon

Jon Snow's sword killed the White Walker because it's Valeryan Steel.
Jon Snow's sword killed the White Walker because it's Valeryan Steel.

Also is the Nights King not a former lord commander that fell in love with a women white as ice with blue eyes and became a white walker Cruelly ruling beyond the wall before the free folk and starks joined together and defeated him - Ygritte tells Jon the story in an earlier in the series

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