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Rammy Blue said:
Garcia is fucking hopeless, one of the worst buys we've made in our recent era.

If we could get an offer in the region of £5-8mil I'm sure we'd rip the respective team's arm off.

Who would you think is better at centre back Lescot or Garcia?
Our transfer business has obviously been completed to soon for some. Nothing to criticise the club about. So lets start yet another thread about Garcia/Kolorov and rip into them
I'm sure time will prove me wrong, but I actually think Garcia will play quite a lot in midfield this year at the base of a 3 in tough games. So if we're playing 433 against someone decent, then Garcia would play in behind Fernandinho and Yaya/Nasri, as I really don't think Dinho is a proper holding midfielder at all, he certainly doesn't seem to be when I've seen him. Either that or Barry would play that role, but all the signs suggest that he's not fancied much anymore
He doesn't look mobile enough albeit he is neat and tidy on the ball, I'm not a massive fan but more than willing to give the guy time under Pellegrini to prove me wrong which I hope he does.
waspish said:
Rammy Blue said:
Garcia is fucking hopeless, one of the worst buys we've made in our recent era.

If we could get an offer in the region of £5-8mil I'm sure we'd rip the respective team's arm off.

Who would you think is better at centre back Lescot or Garcia?

Hmmmm one is an England International at Centre half and the other is a failed defensive midfielder being tried out at a position he is equally bad at.

I'll say Lescott. I hope Vinny would agree.
kiam06 said:
He doesn't look mobile enough albeit he is neat and tidy on the ball, I'm not a massive fan but more than willing to give the guy time under Pellegrini to prove me wrong which I hope he does.

Agree with you, but IMO, the games where he looked at his slowest was when he was paired with Barry. When he had Milner and Rodwel either side of him he played his role great.
You don't have to be rapid to be good, he just needs to learn the English game better. 1 season on, hopfully he has.
New season, new style, I personally will not be judging any of our players on past performances. Dzeko, Garcia and the rest have the same chance as the others to shine in the new look city.
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