We have to asking questions about what the fuck is going on with the ladies team ? Plus the manager, plus investment, plus players leaving and not being replaced with the same quality or better,
I know COVID-19 hit all levels of football men's and ladies, but the city ladies are not the club they were
I keep saying it, the players are miles away from what it was, happy smiling hanging out together all in full city gear relaxed mixing with the public around Ancoats in and around the cutter room,
now the one or two I see are in their normal gear and not stopping for a chat or sat outside with a coffee or a drink
it's say a couple of things, the club have cut the money out of the ladies game and has to be based on its own revenue, and shortcuts have been made in flashing easy money on everything even training gear and kits
or the management have lost the control of the players and most want to leave and because of the manager and coaches and playing styles,
i watched the game today and the truth is we will be mid-table at best this season and struggling if something is not done quick ? Change of manger would be one I would pick, even if It's to just pick the players up and get them back into a group all wanting to play in the right way