Garry Cook resigns (merged)

Re: Garry Cook resigns

BillyMC said:
mcfcliam said:
As much as I didn't really like Cook, at least he was kind of in touch with the fans and knew what we wanted e.g. cheap, affordable ticket prices.

IF Kenyon comes in, will we see the astronomical ticket price rises come in like at Chelsea?

Yes so in touch that he called us United. He was a non football man who didnt understand the soul of MCFC...he tried his utmost to ingratiate himself with the fans..for me he failed with that.

yes,so much so that 99% of those that have posted are gutted he's gone.

The guy went out of his way time and time again for supporters and made sure this trickled down the organisation.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

A sad loss but no-one is indispensible,feel sorry for him because he has done a lot to get us where we are and he did seem to take a real pleasure in what he did at City.Still a100 times better person than that snide Gill at Trafford.

Think John Williams will get the job and suspect Khaldoon was aware this scenario might unfold when Williams got the job that hadn`t existed before.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

CEOs get replaced everyday its more of a status job its the underlings that do most of the work. People are threatening Nedums mother because a very rich man was let go because of a mistake he made and probably given several more millions to leave?.

Jesus relax its not like replacing a manager these are executives even Real Madrid/Barca/Chelsea have reshuffled get a grip.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

Can someone just clarify Kia's involvement in all of this from someone who doesn't know the whole story?
Re: Garry Cook resigns

mcfcliam said:
BillyMC said:
mcfcliam said:
As much as I didn't really like Cook, at least he was kind of in touch with the fans and knew what we wanted e.g. cheap, affordable ticket prices.

IF Kenyon comes in, will we see the astronomical ticket price rises come in like at Chelsea?

Yes so in touch that he called us United. He was a non football man who didnt understand the soul of MCFC...he tried his utmost to ingratiate himself with the fans..for me he failed with that.

He listened though.

I've said twice now that I don't like Cook as a person but he's done a pretty good job and this could be the start of something new and unpopular off the pitch.

Just one gaff too many I'm afraid.

Say NO to Kenyon.

I dont want someone who did a pretty good job...i want someone who does an unbelieveable job...corporate nerds like cook are 2 a penny.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

Kris_Musampa said:
A tremendous CEO, and would have worked wonders for us given time.

That said, this was a seriously bad error of judgement. Once it went public there was only ever going to be one outcome.

The one thing i am certain of is, whoever comes in to replace him, will be business orientated, highly successful in his previous jobs, and will only serve to propel us even further forward as a club, a business, and a product.

Got in one, I think
Re: Garry Cook resigns

Must agree with a previous post. As unproffesional as Cook was, it really is about time we stopped bending over and letting the media fuck us. Time to start fighting back. Anything that isn't true needs legal action and bans. Enough is enough.

ps - Fuck off Kia you parasite

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