Garry Cook resigns (merged)

Re: Garry Cook resigns

The man was a weasel and deserves only opprobrium.

Maybe people are confusing him with Tony Book.

Good riddance.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

Hope Onouha never plays for us again, may sound harsh but if his mother can cause all this trouble then who knows what else can happen to our club while he's around.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

The guy is an idiot, the Sheik has got city where they are not Garry Cook, the only thing Cook has done is keep United fans entertained with his bafoonery.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

Sorry to see a man lose his job, but I feel this benefits City in the long run, so am pleased to hear it.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

mcfcjon said:
cantona01 said:
mcfcjon said:
This is appalling news. Some silly cow gets annoyed we wont give her son free money so uses old news and blows it massively out of proportion (Worst day of her life? Fuck off. The e-mail wasn't even that bad, and in professional correspondence it's hardly appropriate to talk about being 'ravaged' with cancer anyway. Id have sent the same e-mail Garry did taking the piss out of her innapropriate tone) to get the media witch hunt started again.

Fuck the silly woman
Fuck Nedum
Fuck the press
Fuck Ian Wright (who can die in a fire that pathetic article he wrote)

Why can't you just accept that Cook fucked up, tried to lie about and and made it worse?
He had to go, I'm not sure how you can blame a woman for having cancer in the first place!
And if you think that email isnt that bad, I'd like to see how you reacted if someone you cared for got cancer and was mocked

Fuck Ian Wright though - just because he is a ****

Read what I said again. He didn't mock the cancer you halfwit. he mocked what she said, justifiably. Nobody blamed her for having cancer, she brought it up. What a fucking awful post.

Agree he didn't read it properly. What do you expect from a rag on here.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

dowty said:
Bunk said:
Wow, just wow!! I remember writing a message on this forum a few days ago saying that I found it hard to believe that an executive of his profile and experience would do such a thing. It seems I had too much faith in him.

What a clown! He HAD to go, the action is indefensible for someone in his position. If he hadn’t jumped he would have been pushed, I can promise you that. He would have been told tender his resignation or face the sack.

He HAD to go mate and he knew it, that’s why he jumped before he was pushed. It’s not the email itself, he might just have gotten away with that had he publically owned up to it and offered a full apology. It is the fact that I attempted to cover it up. That sharply brings into question his morality and business ethics, CEOs have to be damn near flawless in this regard, especially CEOs of major organisations that are routinely in the public eye like a Premier League Football Club such as ours. This is precisely why Tony Hayward (former CEO of BP) was history the minute he said “I want my life back” in reference to the increased workload he was experiencing in the wake of the Gulf Coast oil spill where 11 rig workers actually lost there lives.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

Mike N said:
Im furious.

If this woman had made her complaint last year that I could accept that Cook had mad a massive error. The fact that she kept on to it for 11 months makes her a very nasty piece of work. I hope she's glad.
Re: Garry Cook resigns

cantona01 said:
mcfcjon said:
This is appalling news. Some silly cow gets annoyed we wont give her son free money so uses old news and blows it massively out of proportion (Worst day of her life? Fuck off. The e-mail wasn't even that bad, and in professional correspondence it's hardly appropriate to talk about being 'ravaged' with cancer anyway. Id have sent the same e-mail Garry did taking the piss out of her innapropriate tone) to get the media witch hunt started again.

Fuck the silly woman
Fuck Nedum
Fuck the press
Fuck Ian Wright (who can die in a fire that pathetic article he wrote)

Why can't you just accept that Cook fucked up, tried to lie about and and made it worse?
He had to go, I'm not sure how you can blame a woman for having cancer in the first place!
And if you think that email isnt that bad, I'd like to see how you reacted if someone you cared for got cancer and was mocked

Fuck Ian Wright though - just because he is a ****

Not really the time for a rag to be on here insulting blues and crowing about Cook being sacked. Go and fuck yourself you rag prick.

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