Gary Cook Gaff (Merged)

Re: End of Gary Cook

Didn't hear any boos after GC saying what he did and Uve taking the stage.
It was an absolute monumetnal fuck up by GC that made me and others around me cringe.

That's it.No BS.
Re: End of Gary Cook

Banned Tosspot said:
He's our Prince Phillip.

Leave him alone!


I just covered the screen in orange juice laughing at that.
Re: End of Gary Cook

Peter Kenyon IS the devil.

Please God, no.

Cup ticket direct debit schemes and £750-a-season season tickets coming soon. That's the Chelsea / Rag way.
Re: End of Gary Cook

MCRJON said:
DD said:
I have just got back from the do now and I came on this board fully expecting the thread and knowing exactly what I was going to say.

Gary Cook has made a monumental faux pas. There is absolutely no doubt about that. However, being a man who regularly sees words coming out of his mouth that are the exact opposite of what he means to say, I can empathise. It's funny but sometimes you are aware of what you cannot say and that bloody phrase just shoots out of your mouth. I believe that is what has happened here having seen it happen. He gave a great speech beforehand and I am absolutely sure that he is mortified by what has slipped out.

For all the bad words against him though, none of them compare to the vermin that booed and heckled in the aftermath. Uwe Rösler came a long way for the benefit of us yet his whole speech was virtually inaudible because of ignorant, obsessed muppets who were too busy giving it the anti-Cook, he's a rag, shit. These fucking wankers had no respect for a guy who played his heart out for us because it was too important to them to have a pop at some perceived rag.

I tell you what, I have been supporting this club for thirty years but one thing has been proven tonight, there is a significant element of our support who deserve every last bit of failure they have been given.

I didnt think the booing infringed on when he was talking to be honest. Most of the reaction was shock and the flack came after.

DD, d you not think he should of apologised though? ITs not the gaff its how he dealt with it. Especially after the speach he had just given

I do think he should have apologised. The whole thing was embarrassing from his and City's point of view. However, that is not the point I am making.

The point I am making is those disrespectful wankers who thought that, just because they had been offended, thought that it was fair game to totally disrespect Uwe's piece because they were in a bad mood. It was not Uwe's fault, so why do that? Maybe they were not booing as such but people were too busy shouting, hollering and abusing to stand there and listen to what was being said in the respectful manner that you would expect on such occasions.

Anyone who heckled during Uwe's speech is a wanker that does not deserve to be called a City supporter. If you want to make your point to Gary Cook then make it to the man himself. It's not fucking rocket science.
Re: End of Gary Cook

Bluemoon115 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Are you talking to me?

1) Get rid of Garry Cook
2) Appoint someone with experience
3) Keep Hughes on and give him funds for Jan
4) If we don't finish Top 4 sack him.

Who would you hire?

What would their goals be?

How much money should hughes have in the window?

Plus you should also give us many many other answers, as you obviously have them all.

He couldnt run a whelk stall

he says get rid of Cook without naming a replacment
Appoint someone with experiance-whos that then Didsbury Dave
Keep Hughes with a new CEO
If we dont finish top four sack him!!!!

DD,thank fuck youd be never next to me in a trench in a world war-id be dead next to a negative boring local paper columnist like you.

Anyone for supporting City anyone?
Re: End of Gary Cook

Rodenberger10 said:
May I take you all back 10 years... we are in division 2 fighting for promotion playing away at Port Vale. If someone told you 'you will be the richest club in the world in 10 years, with a new stadium with a board who appreciate and welcome your opinions... after Novemebr you are 6th in the Premier League and on target for a top 4 finish having just secured 2 huge big money sponsorship deals. However a vast majority of the fans will moaning about Football and the running of the club.' Wonder what you would have said back then?

Well I would have said... 'Ungrateful! They don't know how lucky they are.'

Funnily enough i'm still of that opinion!

This is the small club metality Robbie was talking about.

We were in that postion 10 years ago due the levels of incompitance akin to those supposedly shown by GC tonight.

I don't sit here looking back 10 years with a warm glow saying look how far we've come. I sit here looking how far we need to go in the expectancy that trophies will be delivered. I do not accept incompitance at out club at any level.

Sound ruthless?..Rag like, even? Maybe. Unfortunately, they are the benchmark and this circus act does not happen there. It is simply not acceptable that it happens here.
Re: End of Gary Cook

flb said:
Bluemoon115 said:

Who would you hire?

What would their goals be?

How much money should hughes have in the window?

Plus you should also give us many many other answers, as you obviously have them all.

He couldnt run a whelk stall

he says get rid of Cook without naming a replacment
Appoint someone with experiance-whos that then Didsbury Dave
Keep Hughes with a new CEO
If we dont finish top four sack him!!!!

DD,thank fuck youd be never next to me in a trench in a world war-id be dead next to a negative boring local paper columnist like you.

Anyone for supporting City anyone?
100% agreed

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