Gary Cook Gaff (Merged)

Re: End of Gary Cook

Damocles said:
the rags are already starting
Who cares? Honestly. Who gives a flying one what a few idiots on a United forum have to say, are you incapable of having banter? We give it out, learn how to take it.

As others have said, some of our supporters need to stop being so obssessed with our cross-city rivals.
Re: End of Gary Cook

Damocles said:
I've had a think on this, and changed my mind. This whole incident was bollocks and people calling for levity need some perspective themselves.

Put it this way: We want to be a top 4, European club. Has David Gill ever dropped a clanger? Or Rick Parry? Or David Dein? Or Ron Gourlay?

Cook has dropped three (of notice) from what I can think of. The golf thing about Sinatra made him look like a complete tit, and is still often quoted. Same with the Milan 'bottled it', which is still heavily remembered. This is looking like it will be the third, as the rags are already starting and it hasn't even being 24 hours yet.

I'm certainly not saying that he should go, but I am absolutely appalled that he hasn't issued a statement apologising to Rosler and to the City fans. It doesn't have to be a deepest condolences thing, even laughing it off would be fine. Just admit that you have made a mistake, you dope.

Well Rick Parry and David Dein must have done something wrong because neither works for a so called top 4 club anymore.

For all we know Garry Cook may well have spoken with Uwe and apologised personally. Why should he have to do it in public?
Re: End of Gary Cook

Huge overeaction imo, horrible gaff but he's only an employee of the club and doesn't think of the club in the same way the fans do.
Re: End of Gary Cook

m27 said:
Well, I'm off for a pre-match booze but my last say on the matter is that I, and all the companies I've worked for, must just have much higher professional standards than some of you lot on here. Personally, I always expect my CEO's to conduct themselves with style and grace at functions and, when public speaking, I also expect them to get the name of their employer's right.

He shouldn't be sacked but he deserves harsh criticism for it. He isn't doing this job part-time you know? He's highly paid and I expect a high quality of performance from him at all times.

This post absolutely represents my view, too. Cook is the CEO of a limited company with a nine figure turnover and a global profile. The standards demanded in such a role are the standards by which he should be judged. And last night, he fell short.

Despite what many say, it does matter. The maxim that all publicity is good publicity is bollocks, and, as we're currently trying to build our brand globally, giving our detractors the chance to take the piss is something that should be avoided where possible at all costs. The CEO and face of our corporate brand's referring to us as our greatest rivals and a likely fierce competitor in years to come is one example.

Now, I'm not saying he should be sacked for it, but nor should it be brushed under the carpet. Especially as it's not the first time he's demonstrated a propensity for major gaffes.
Re: End of Gary Cook

Not read though 48 of the 49 pages of this as 90% of it is prob shite.

I have 2 sisters. Quite often when talking to one of them, I will call her the others ones name by mistake. Don't know why, just happens sometimes.

So what he said United, not City. Fucks sake get over it!!
Re: End of Gary Cook

in a real sense, it's insignificant...

people mix their words up, some more so than others. whilst I understand it may have spoilt some people's evening, it doesn't really say anything about Cook's character, state of mind, or substantive abilities. so the idea that this has some bearing on our efforts to establish ourselves as a major force is just damocles being a big drama queen who is briming with confidence, having got lucky picking off the low-hanging fruit in that climate-change debate.


nice thread however. last night's efforts were legendary. it was like an internet Rorschach test. the longstanding frustrations of random fans aimed at one individual. you had the boy who's mum never brought him the trainers he wanted, now a man demanding to know why no-one had responded to his nike-vs-addidas simile... and I'm sure we could all identify with the scarred individual who implied that the spectre of our relegation to the third teir was a result of exactly this sort of thing..... I could go on, but it's match time kids. put 3 points into your weekend mix, then talk to me about how terrible the world and everyone in it is.
Re: End of Gary Cook

bizzbo said:
in a real sense, it's insignificant...

people mix their words up, some more so than others. whilst I understand it may have spoilt some people's evening, it doesn't really say anything about Cook's character, state of mind, or substantive abilities. so the idea that this has some bearing on our efforts to establish ourselves as a major force is just damocles being a big drama queen who is briming with confidence, having got lucky picking off the low-hanging fruit in that climate-change debate.



To be fair, I do have a point. I couldn't imagine any other of the top four CEO's doing this, why should we accept it from ours, without any sort of comment on the matter?

All he needs to do is acknowledge the mistake, which he didn't do last night and bring some humour to the situation, instead of blindly ignoring it and hoping it will go away.

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