Gas & Electricity

civil unrest is a certainty when 68% of the basic pension will be taken up with energy bills and 105% of universal credit in some article i read somewhere.its totaly unsubstainable poll tax riots will look like a family day out.maybe its whats needed so the government make these energy companies use their massive profits to help the country out.i can really see proper unrest ahead
civil unrest is a certainty when 68% of the basic pension will be taken up with energy bills and 105% of universal credit in some article i read somewhere.its totaly unsubstainable poll tax riots will look like a family day out.maybe its whats needed so the government make these energy companies use their massive profits to help the country out.i can really see proper unrest ahead
Yep, where does it all end, what happens in April if it doubles again, £700 to £800 a month? 80% in fuel poverty. Somethings got to give.
I mentioned it to another business owner who seems to think they’ll be doubling again in April.

Successive governments have done a piss poor job of ensuring our energy security in this country. In fact what they’ve done is criminal.

Throwing net zero and green levies on top of an already strained sector is nuts. But as someone else said, we’ll all grumble then grab a brew and watch strictly.

I do genuinely wonder what the line in the sand is for the average Brit, before they get off their arses and protest. Like, really protest and kick off so the government take note.

A ban on foreign holidays? Instagram ocades r tiktok being banned? No more Love Island?

No matter what gets thrown at most brits they seem to just accept it and plod on. Crazy.

Absolute decades of compliance and the demonisation by the media of anybody who dares stand up for their rights will do that. No major powerful government of the world would just let energy companies do this to their citizens when they're making billions in profits. If everybody refused to pay they'd have to do something. They won't though and what they will do is hammer a few of the ones that do so it cowes everyone else into compliance. People will die and our government won't give a shit, it's less to pay pensions and benefits to.
civil unrest is a certainty when 68% of the basic pension will be taken up with energy bills and 105% of universal credit in some article i read somewhere.its totaly unsubstainable poll tax riots will look like a family day out.maybe its whats needed so the government make these energy companies use their massive profits to help the country out.i can really see proper unrest ahead

I certainly hope so. Enough is enough.
Our monthly payment at the moment is £247. This was set last time round with EON. The last 2 months our bill has been approx £85 per month. We are nearly £600 in credit. Do you reckon their estimate has been too high.?
Not sure people have factored in that businesses will be affected even more than households.

For example, I bet there aren’t many chippies left next Easter.
Education establishments are being hit. I know of a lot of schools that are not able to replace staff or offer pay scale rises due to an increase of anywhere from 100-400% price hike.

Then government throw in a nation wide pay increase that they haven’t funded, and topped with the energy rises, a lot of places are going to suffer more so being understaffed and educations will be impacted.

What a fucking shambles of a country. I won’t be able to stay above the breadline with these increases from October and especially again, living on my own.

I’ve started putting the wheels in motion to move abroad next year if I can get things sorted.

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