Gas & Electricity

In that case, the government should intervene and order that any agreed repayment plans/deferred payments don't affect credit scores while prices remain high. They did this during the first Covid lockdown with mortgages. People were allowed to defer mortgage payments for up to 6 months without it affecting their credit score. If they did it then, they can surely do it now.
agreed, the energy companys have been quite quick off the mark here,i was on 3 month bill and out of the blue Eon stopped these and made it one month so in effect if i default they can cut me off in say around 6 weeks now with the smart meter, on the 3 month payment system i could have racked up hundreds if not thousands then pleaded poverty, sadly its all a mess frightening to see where we may be at next April
Zero carbon has fucked us up the harris here, hey! whatever we do here, yeah get the chimney going ;-)
Thieving cunts are making billions on the back of peoples misery.....WTF is going on in this world?

Intervention is essential.....the shithouse Govt finally has to do something meaningful and prevent these greedy companies from exploiting ordinary folk,otherwise lives will be destroyed.
The rise in domestic energy bills is the product of the energy price cap, and the energy price cap methodology is determined entirely by government intervention, via OFGEM. The energy companies themselves have very little influence over price formation.

The price cap was initially advocated by the Labour Party, with the idea then stolen by Theresa May, who unfortunately was incapable of any independent thought.

I think it’s possible that domestic energy bills would actually be lower if government intervention was reduced. We don’t need more government intervention per se, but more effective government intervention.

In particular shutting down the coal burning power stations in the pursuit of this zero carbon mirage left us wide open to a spike in gas prices, and we’re paying the price now.
Why is the wholesale price going up so much. We rely less and less on Russia so surely we are now buying more volume from other countries and the cost should be going down

think Asia are taking majority of the supply and Europe don't have the capacity
Our next major purchase for the house looks like it will be an eco-friendly dual fuel wood burner. These are supposed to save a bit on gas bills. Does anybody have any experience of this? Of course, with installation costs, etc, the initial outlay will be high but our current gas fire is shit anyway and needs replacing as it doesn't seem to give off nearly enough heat when it's on.
Our next major purchase for the house looks like it will be an eco-friendly dual fuel wood burner. These are supposed to save a bit on gas bills. Does anybody have any experience of this? Of course, with installation costs, etc, the initial outlay will be high but our current gas fire is shit anyway and needs replacing as it doesn't seem to give off nearly enough heat when it's on.

All depends on if you can source free wood or very cheap. People burn all sorts of shit in then which I don't recommend.

Can become quite expensive if buying from supermarkets etc, but compared to gas I don't know which works out best.

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