Gas & Electricity

I wouldn't advocate simply refusing to pay energy bills outright - such a stance would only really work if millions and millions did it. A few thousand doing it will only land those people in trouble and it will affect credit scores, etc. What I would advocate is use what you need to use this winter and don't risk freezing yourself, while at the same time talking to your supplier and telling them what you can realistically afford to pay. They'd surely have to agree to some sort of affordable repayment plan for the rest.
Holy fuck I’ve just looked at EDF fixed rate last week it was £300 now £392! They have said instead of 27p kwh for electric it is on the new rate 53p! 7p for gas upto 17p! My combined estimated cost now £2300 if I went fir the fixed deal £4600. This has got poll tax riots and blackouts written all over it, like another poster said companies will have to shut down due to running costs alone, this is not good.
The country's fucked, I can't think things will ever get back to normal, we truly are back in Dickensian days. People dying of cold and hunger. More and more people not having access to dental services, people having to pay for their own medication. More and more relying on charity and hand outs. Working people queueing up for food and a blanket. Next few years are gonna be hell on earth.
But the ruling class and fat cats just look down their noses and sneer.
"If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
Thieving cunts are making billions on the back of peoples misery.....WTF is going on in this world?

Intervention is essential.....the shithouse Govt finally has to do something meaningful and prevent these greedy companies from exploiting ordinary folk,otherwise lives will be destroyed.
I wouldn't advocate simply refusing to pay energy bills outright - such a stance would only really work if millions and millions did it. A few thousand doing it will only land those people in trouble and it will affect credit scores, etc. What I would advocate is use what you need to use this winter and don't risk freezing yourself, while at the same time talking to your supplier and telling them what you can realistically afford to pay. They'd surely have to agree to some sort of affordable repayment plan for the rest.
you would still have your credit score trashed though, the bill will become a default with a payment arangement,think the only domestic bill now which is not credit scored is the council tax
you would still have your credit score trashed though, the bill will become a default with a payment arangement,think the only domestic bill now which is not credit scored is the council tax
In that case, the government should intervene and order that any agreed repayment plans/deferred payments don't affect credit scores while prices remain high. They did this during the first Covid lockdown with mortgages. People were allowed to defer mortgage payments for up to 6 months without it affecting their credit score. If they did it then, they can surely do it now.
In that case, the government should intervene and order that any agreed repayment plans/deferred payments don't affect credit scores while prices remain high. They did this during the first Covid lockdown with mortgages. People were allowed to defer mortgage payments for up to 6 months without it affecting their credit score. If they did it then, they can surely do it now.
Afaik Bulb in particular only changed their terms to mention credit scoring last week.

Energy companies know what’s coming and are doing their best to keep everyone trapped - and paying through the nose.
Afaik Bulb in particular only changed their terms to mention credit scoring last week.

Energy companies know what’s coming and are doing their best to keep everyone trapped - and paying through the nose.
Well that's a proper ****'s trick. I know the government are in bed with these companies but they're seriously going to have to do something with what's round the corner.
It’s an irrelevant post.

People don’t/won’t care why they can’t afford to heat their homes, they’ll be asking for the solution.
Whilst people might not care where the money is coming from, the solution has to be one that works in the real world.

Is it not relevant to ask/discuss on here how we think that might happen?

A recent report in the FT says that the IMF are recommending that governments pass on the full cost to users, with only limited intervention to help those in dire need. Of course that may be many millions in the UK the way this is going.
will you be taking part in real protests and kick off?

Unlike others who just accept this stuff, I have regular dialogue with my local MP’s office. And other regional politicians. They just humour me at this point - but I don’t just put the kettle on and watch strictly.

A one man street protest at this point won’t achieve anything. But at the same time I haven’t been sitting on my hands. And if protests do arise, then yes I will join them. But I see little or nothing I can personally do to spark them now.

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