Gas & Electricity

The only hope I can give him is that in order to win the election he will need to get Tory voters - it’s the only way Labour can win. So he remains silent until he comes to power and then he can enact Labour policies

Yes I get he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, a bit like Blair was. The problem is the media is run by billionaire's who use it to influence people so they stay at the top of the food chain at the expense of the majority of us. Social media was exposing a lot of the bullshit but now they're banning anything they don't like there too. For working class people in this country it is utterly depressing.
Where do you live?

A shoebox?

I’m in a 2 bed terrace, pay £211 a month DD and I’m sat today with a £670 credit on the account.

I really think you are in for a huge shock soon if you are about to come off a fixed deal.
it is what it is, thats 1 months use of gas and electricity 8th July - 8th August and give or take a couple of quid for the previous month 8th June-8th July,,no fixed deal no direct debit just standing charge and whats been used with 4 adults in a 3 bedroom house
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Bills set to rise to 5000 next year ? ..tell you what call it 10000 and we got a deal
EDF have changed their fix tariff again! My electricity usage a day on average 10kWh, current price £2.80 on the new fixed deal £6 a day! Holy shit, we can afford this, just! What the hell are others going to do I really don’t know.
Interesting caller...

Wow the only problem I can see is the corporation tax raise as many companies are on their arse a tax rise on them may well put them to the wall. Also increasing the tax threshold how would that affect the govetnm purse, I applaud him and on the surface support it. Those Tory wankers won’t go for it though.
4k a year sounds lovely to me right now
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I am with octopus and did the same last night. I was paying £1200 a year 12 months ago and my estimate was just over £7k. I actually laughed when I saw it. It’s like when you get a quote for car or home insurance from Compare The Market and you look at the highest prices first by accident before you realise what you have done. It then dawned on me that I wasn’t comparing the market, this is the best price….. It’s totally unrealistic and even those that can afford to pay it will be pissed off. The economy is going to fall off a cliff as peoples disposable incomes shrink to nothing. All sectors are going to suffer with leisure and social activities likely the first to be hit. It’s shocking seeing what’s coming down the line, and with the Tory twats fighting amongst themselves, this country is fucked for the forseeable.

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